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The relationship between Lu Zhe and Shen Qiao would practically become the biggest esports story of the year. For a while, it would be even more talked about than DG's second consecutive world championship win. Gaming media sites became like dogs who'd just seen a particularly tasty bone; they dug up all the information on Lu Zhe and Shen Qiao that they could find.

Their shippers, regardless of whether they supported WolfDog or LuShen or otherwise, all rejoiced together on various forums after Lu Zhe's announcement. A pinned thread that once warned shippers to celebrate privately, without shoving their ship in the actual players' faces, had now been amended with a new note-

It's real! Our ship is real! Sisters, you won't regret investing your feels here!

Of course, these were the positive reactions. When the news came out, there were some dissatisfied voices as well. Fans who only followed the team for their gameplay couldn't resist chiding the players on the team's official Weibo, saying that the HQ was supposed to be a workplace and that players needed to take themselves seriously. They weren't supposed to transform their place of work into some sort of party house or den of lust.

But, naturally, while there were single-minded fans who believed two people being together automatically meant these two people were having wild sex at the HQ every day... there were plenty of more level-headed fans willing to step up and shut them down.

In general, most people gave their blessings.

But to Lu Zhe and Shen Qiao, these things weren't all that important.

After all the hurt and suffering they'd endured in the Lu family, words from these outsiders were painless attacks against them. It was only because they were currently in the off-season that fans had so much time to worry about their personal lives, anyway. Once the regular season started up again, fans would return to focusing on the game.

As long as they continued to win, the team would be able to shut everyone up.

For trolls, even if DG won, they would have to jinx their futures and nitpick at every little mistake that the players made during the tournament games.

For fans, as long as the team could win, even if they ran a five-DPS team, even if they ran a perfectly boring lineup, they wouldn't care-they would still see their favorite players as gods.

Of course, there were also some people who were genuinely unbiased.

Shen Qiao understood all this, so when Lu Zhe talked about getting a marriage license in his livestream, he just smiled from off to the side. He didn't bother to check the reaction in the bullet comments. He only cared about Lu Zhe. If Lu Zhe was happy announcing it this way, then Shen Qiao was happy to let him be happy.

But he never could have imagined that Lu Zhe would read a few comments, clap his hands once, and say-

"Alright, no time like the present. We'll do it today.

"I'll end this stream here and get my license now. Goodbye, everyone."

Shen Qiao blinked.

He turned to look at Lu Zhe, thinking Lu Zhe must have been joking. But he watched as Lu Zhe turned off his streaming equipment.

Then Lu Zhe looked up just in time to see Manager Zhou passing through the training room. He called out, "Manager Zhou, Qiaoqiao and I are taking some time off."

Manager Zhou looked at him. "For a date?"

Shen Qiao was about to say something, but Lu Zhe spoke first.

"No. To get our marriage license."

Manager Zhou was speechless.

Old Wo and the viewers in his still-ongoing livestream all jumped.

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