Chapter 65

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At the start of the match, DG didn't take the risk of charging into enemy territory. Instead, Old Wo and Er-Hua helped guard the red buff for Zhao Yue.
The commentators began to chatter.

"COCO has already taken one round, and they're playing it relatively safe with their tactics now. They aren't taking the initiative to invade DG's territory either. At the moment, it looks like both teams are coexisting quite peacefully."

The stats from Colonel KI popped up on the screen, showing that COCO's lineup was in a more favorable position at this time. The win-rate for teams running DG's lineup was 47% in the first ten minutes of a game, and only 48% in the time following those initial ten minutes.

"COCO's Olaf has launched an attack in the middle lane right after hitting Level 4. Money's LeBlanc is in danger! Ah, but she dodged and-now we can see that Jarvan IV is nearby as well. They aren't letting COCO get the jump on them here."

"That's right, Jarvan IV should definitely be lending LeBlanc a hand against Ryze here. Ryze is very powerful in this lane, after all. And now... after harassing Money in the middle lane, Olaf has cut through the jungle. He's heading for the bottom lane! Will the big brawl in the bottom lane that we're all looking forward to begin so soon?"

Just as the commentators finished speaking-

Er-Hua signaled Old Wo and said, in their team's voice channel, "Olaf's coming."

As soon as Er-Hua issued that warning, Old Wo dodged Twitch's slow ability and started to retreat with Er-Hua. Olaf got halfway there, then realized there would be no good opportunity to gank. Yuumi checked out their opponents, but after remembering how fragile Twitch was, decided to stay put in the bottom lane.

While Olaf made that trip down to the bottom lane, Zhao Yue farmed with his Jarvan IV in the jungle. He lurked near Shen Qiao's opponent in the top lane, looking for an opportunity to help Shen Qiao kill the enemy's Mordekaiser before the enemy reached Level 6.

Kennen's damage potential was the real deal, after all.

When facing off against Mordekaiser, Shen Qiao's Kennen wasn't at any disadvantage at all. With Kennen's long range, Shen Qiao got the enemy Mordekaiser's HP down to one-third. Mordekaiser turned tail and prepared to run back to his own base, but he only made it a few steps before he was struck by Kennen-with an ability that momentarily impeded his movement.

Zhao Yue leapt out from the underbrush at exactly that moment, trapping the enemy with Shen Qiao's Kenne in the back. Taking advantage of the fact that Mordekaiser had yet to reach Level 6, Zhao Yue helped Shen Qiao claim the first kill of the round.

"First Blood!"

Qian Bao let out a long whistle in the voice channel. "Nice one, A-yue. When you get a chance, come help your jiejie get a kill too. This match-up against Ryze... it isn't too difficult, but it'll be exhausting."

While helping Shen Qiao against Mordekaiser, Zhao Yue had gotten too close to the enemy's territory, where he took a few blows from Mordekaiser. His HP was a little less than healthy, but he didn't rush back to DG's base. Instead, he headed straight for the blue buff in their own jungle.

Olaf, who'd gone to the bottom lane and returned empty-handed, was waiting for him in the vicinity.

Qian Bao checked the map and delightedly said, "Don't worry, didi. Jiejie is here to help."

As she spoke, Qian Bao's LeBlanc rushed from the river to the blue buff. The opposing Ryze followed in her wake.

At a critical moment in their encounter, Zhao Yue pinned Olaf down with a skill. Once the opponent was immobilized, Zhao Yue fled through the underbrush below the blue buff. He brushed past Qian Bao without so much as a backwards glance.

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