Chapter 38

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It wasn't only spectators who caught sight of that striking scene. The cameras inside the stadium also captured the moment.
At the same time, in the central business district of the neighboring Yun City-

The lightning rod of a golden skyscraper pierced the sky. Neon lights from the surrounding city danced across the sides of that indomitable building, designed by a famous architect. That building bore its own brightly lit logo as well. A massive sign marked that building as the property of a leading company in the pharmaceutical industry-Sai'na Biotech.

As night engulfed that golden building, the lights in the company cafeteria all switched on. The lights in the offices on the upper floors were also blazingly bright.

A loud clap rang out through the room. It was the sound of someone forcefully slamming shut the lid of an extremely thin laptop.

Lu Chengzhen sat in his desk chair. The gloom on his face was so heavy that it seemed almost like it would start dripping off at any second. His unbridled pheromones ran rampant through the spacious, exquisitely decorated office-

His docile assistant stood next to him without saying a word, completely swallowed up in the wave of those pheromones. The pheromones were strong enough to make the assistant cower and kneel, unable to remain upright on a pair of trembling knees. To the assistant, the pheromones were like a fierce blow to the head. Unable to utter a single sound, the assistant collapsed onto the floor.

After some time, Lu Chengzhen finally noticed the situation beside him. He suppressed his pheromones, at least a little.

That assistant quivered on the ground for a while longer, drenched in sweat. Upon rising, the assistant didn't even dare wipe away the sweat that had sprung out under the pressure of Lu Chengzhen's pheromones. The unerringly obedient assistant only reassumed a silent, stoic post beside the desk again.

Lu Chengzhen picked up his own cell phone from his desk. He stared at the contact named 'Son' for a long while before lifting a finger to place a call.


Bzzz... bzzz...

A cell phone, in vibrate mode, began to quake in Lu Zhe's pocket. Lu Zhe had just left the stadium with Shen Qiao. He'd planned on waiting in the air-conditioned car for Old Wo, who'd been held back for the post-game interview. When he felt that vibration in his pocket, he took out his phone.

At that exact moment, a call of 'Qiao-ge!' came from afar. Lu Zhe and Shen Qiao looked up at the same time and found Lele emerging from a different exit. Lele waved at Shen Qiao as he called out a greeting.

Although DG had defeated BLX in a 2-1 victory that day, BLX was more than skilled enough to make it into the playoffs by winning their other games. So Lele's mood hadn't taken too much of a hit from that day's loss. He happily approached, intending to ask Shen Qiao if they wanted to grab a bite together.

Upon emerging from the stadium, Shen Qiao practically melted in the heat in the blink of an eye. The blistering heat was bad enough without the cedarwood-scented jacket that had been inflicted upon him. Shen Qiao hastily peeled it off and tossed it into the car, along with his bag of peripherals, before making his way over to meet Lele.

Lu Zhe glanced at the caller ID on his phone, then immediately pressed a button to put his phone into silent mode. He didn't decline the call, but he didn't answer either. He just tucked his phone back into his pocket and quickened his pace to catch up to Shen Qiao, moving in Lele's direction.

"Qiao-ge, you were super fierce today!" Lele exclaimed. "You sucked us dry with your vampire in the second round... oh, Captain Lu, hey there. Wanna come out for a meal with us? Our manager just reserved a big banquet room earlier. The more the merrier."

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