Chapter 20

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Shen Qiao was smiling like a little kid who'd just pulled off a mischievous prank. When he heard Lu Zhe's threat, he wasn't the slightest bit flustered. He only stuck one hand into his pants pocket and slowly responded:
"Hm? Teasing you?"

Shen Qiao echoed the dangerous word Lu Zhe had chosen.

Then he stepped forward again. He left the shadows by the wall and moved into the sunlight. The curve of his lips didn't change at all, but the light would make anyone think he was smiling a little more brilliantly. Perhaps that was because the rays of the setting sun flooded into his eyes, filling them with a brighter light.

Those light brown eyes were suddenly gilded with gold, like the golden cat's eye marbles Lu Zhe had played with as a child. Those eyes, in that moment, were inexplicably captivating.

Shen Qiao's provocations may have been a little over the top. He noticed that the pheromones which Lu Zhe had kept tightly controlled since his return... were suddenly becoming a little more intense.

The spike in that scent made his breathing slow, of its own volition. Subconsciously, his muscles gradually grew taut.

But his mouth didn't change its tune:

"You pig. What kind of talk is that?

"I was just taking Captain Lu's earlier suggestion and earnestly getting ready to quit smoking. Don't overthink it."

The corners of Lu Zhe's eyes crinkled as the smile on his lips spread to his gaze. That smile climbed like a soft, young vine of grape ivy, growing and stretching upwards towards the early spring sun.

"Really?" Lu Zhe retorted ambiguously.

Immediately afterwards, he meaningfully cautioned, "Don't forget. You were the one who invited me to help."

Shen Qiao tensed at those words.

He got the feeling that he was a lamb who'd willingly delivered itself into the tiger's den.

Without pursuing that line of conversation any further, Lu Zhe suppressed his pheromones once more. The thin yet intense layer of cedarwood that had scented the air disappeared, and Lu Zhe turned. He took the lead and continued down the hall, as though he weren't the one who'd had his glands... bothered, at a close distance, just a moment ago.

"Let's go," he said. "If we wait any longer, the cafeteria will run out of everything good."

Shen Qiao watched his retreating back for a moment, lifting his brows. He briefly wondered if he'd misinterpreted something just now, but reassured himself with a quirk of his lips a moment later.

He caught up in long strides.

Danger was good. It was exhilarating.

Just the thought of facing Lu Zhe in these battles of body and mind, every single day, was enough to make every cell in Shen Qiao's body quiver and tremble with anticipation. A fierce desire for victory had been ignited within his soul. Every fiber of his being looked forward to the next time he would clash with this worthy opponent.


After dinner, every member of Team DG went through their usual pre-game rituals until the clock slowly ticked onto 8:45 PM.

One by one, the members of DG logged into the private server and checked their equipment.

Old Wo was unperturbed by the tension; he was looking forward to an exciting match. He spoke into his mic, egging Lu Zhe on: "Daddy Lu, how about you give Daddy Er a pep talk to boost his morale and help him lead us to a vengeful victory?"

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