Chapter 89

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In their game against the wildcard team, DG stormed their base in the eighteenth minute of the game-
Because, in the picks and bans stage, DG managed to secure the combination of Lee Sin and LeBlanc for themselves in the jungle and middle lane respectively. Lu Zhe worked well with Qian Bao to establish dominance early on in the game. The claimed all the resources in the jungle, while Shen Qiao, Old Wo, and Er-Hua simultaneously pushed ahead on the top and bottom lanes, doling out some serious damage to the enemy towers.

By the time they reached the enemy's base, the bullet comments were a sea of exclamation marks.


[I felt like I was watching a pro team take on a bunch of casuals just now. Are these casuals? Someone tell me, are these casuals?]

[There weren't many strong teams in the wildcards this season. If they can't match up to our LPL, that's understandable, but... eighteen minutes? Are you guys kidding me? It only took eighteen minutes?]

[This momentum! DG is on a roll! I'm so, so, so, so, so, so, so hyped!]

[Our Money went 7-0! Seven kills, zero deaths! Qian Bao, Qian Bao, we'll treasure you forever! Ahhhhhh, jiejie, look at me! Meimei loves you!]

[Eighteen minutes. Twenty kills. Our DG is wreaking havoc, I see.]

[DG Girl, chiming in! I'm thriving!]

When DG pushed onwards to the enemy base in the eighteenth minute, even the domestic commentators were confused. "This is a feint, right? They should kill another dragon or something. Their forces aren't even there yet, so they can't be planning on launching a direct attack on the Nexus, right?"

"Wait! Wolf Cub is coming up! He's catching up! Qian Bao... is coming in for the kill?!"

"DG is attacking for real!"

"They don't plan on getting another dragon or waiting at all! They're taking turns blocking damage from the tower. Lu Zhe's Lee Sin has already taken two hits. Their opponents are ganging up on him now!"

"Flower strikes with a hook! It hits! His Thresh... Flower's Thresh is really godly."

"Old Wo just took three kills! He's really shown us his stuff in this round. Sneaking in for the kill with Varus again and again, he's really too much. Ah, Wolf Cub is down to just a sliver of HP now. Varus let out an A, and-"

"Ai, wait, why do I feel drunk just from watching DG destroy their opponents?"

The energy in the livestream room was electric. Everyone watched as DG assaulted the enemy Nexus in turn, managing to take three of their opponents down as well.

At this time, DG's minions finally got far enough to start taking down the enemy's base turrets. Lu Zhe's Lee Sin escaped the tower's range with just a bit of HP left. Shen Qiao and Qian Bao didn't have much health left either. When Old Wo retreated, he took a few additional hits from the tower since he'd gone too far ahead in his pursuit of the enemy. He nearly lost his life, but was saved by Er-Hua just in time.

The enemy could see that DG was trying to retreat and regroup. Their mid-laner and AD rushed out of the base after respawning to stop DG. They'd come out with full health and new equipment, after all. Even if they still weren't nearly as well-equipped as DG, they figured it wouldn't be too hard to slay at least a few of DG's low-health champions before they all scattered.

But in the end...

DG actually had no intention of retreating.

Their five low-health champions surrounded those two enemy champions with full HP, attacking in earnest. Er-Hua, whose HP was the highest out of all of DG's champions, pulled his teammates back from the brink of death at all the right moments. DG focused their skills on those two enemy champions, ultimately succeeding in collecting two more kills.

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