Chapter 87

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That afternoon, DG had a practice game against BLX.
The two teams hadn't faced off in a while. In that time, it seemed Xu Xiao hadn't actually changed that much. To put it bluntly, he still liked to ignore all the minions and attack Shen Qiao right away when they faced off in the top lane.

Shen Qiao could clearly feel that Xu Xiao had gotten a bit better at putting pressure on his opponent.

But that was fine.

That was how Shen Qiao liked to play.

In the picks and bans phase of this practice match, Shen Qiao had chosen Ornn. Xu Xiao, meanwhile, had taken Renekton since Renekton was a powerful champion with an ult that could boost his HP. When he rampaged, he was especially effective at putting pressure on tanky champions like Ornn.

In the middle lane, Qian Bao picked up the champion LeBlanc. And Old Wo was playing Ezreal in the bottom lane. In this match, DG was clearly prepared to have Old Wo and Qian Bao develop as their carries, while Shen Qiao played defensively in the top lane.

As long as Shen Qiao didn't lag too far behind Renekton, as long as he didn't allow Renekton to develop too rapidly in the early stages of the game, DG should have had the advantage in this game.

But who could have known-

Even though he was playing Ornn, Shen Qiao had no intentions of simply sitting back and playing it safe. When Renekton came up to attack him, he happily returned the favor and fired right back. This was Shen Qiao's favorite way of playing, after all. He was perfectly happy when someone came to pick a fight with him.

Five minutes into the game, Lu Zhe was helping Qian Bao in a fight against BLX's mid-laner. Renekton saw that Shen Qiao's HP wasn't in a very good state. Since Shen Qiao hadn't hit Level 6 yet, Renekton rushed up to take that opportunity to get a solo kill on him.

Shen Qiao dodged his first attack, then used his minions as cover to charge in and hit back.

Meanwhile, Qian Bao had just gotten her first kill with an assist from Lu Zhe. The sound of 'First blood!' rang out through everyone's headsets. At the exact same time, everyone looked to the top lane and saw that Renekton had also been killed by Ornn.

"Holy shit!" Old Wo exclaimed. "I'm fucking terrified!"

"Daddy, um..." Qian Bao started.

Lu Zhe laughed helplessly and said into the voice chat, "Why didn't you wait for me? Let me tag along and get an assist."

Shen Qiao scoffed and deadpanned, "You're too late."

Lu Zhe checked the map to see where BLX's jungler was. Then he moved into the upper half of the jungle, intending to steal BLX's red buff while BLX's jungler was helping their teammates in the bottom lane. While moving, he said to Shen Qiao, "Nah, I'll stick around. When it comes to hunting heads, you never get sick of the taste."

Er-Hua was doing his best to save Old Wo's useless life down in the bottom lane. The two of them were facing off against three of BLX's champions, and Er-Hua couldn't help but say into the chat, "The enemy bottom laners' heads are delicious too, Captain. You have to learn to expand your palate. Don't always eat the same thing."

Lu Zhe teamed up with Shen Qiao to take Renekton, who'd just returned to their tower after respawning and had already used up his flash, down one more time. It was only then that Lu Zhe answered, "Don't worry. We'll group up by the dragon pit."

Since they planned on taking the first dragon, they would have to go down to the bottom lane. They couldn't keep allowing BLX to put that much pressure on their support, after all.

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