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Ariana's POV:

When I woke up, I looked around my room. I turned to the bedside table and saw a clock. 1:46. I sigh before laying back down on the bed. I stare at the roof. What am I gonna do? Just stay here with my 'brothers'? Some of them don't even like me! I shouldn't be here. I'm too broken. I shake my head. No more overthinking. I grab a joint out of my bag. I'm about to light it when I remember Mathew's rule: No drugs. Well fuck it, this is my only joint anyways. I limp over to stand on the balcony and smoke it. New York City is freaking gorgeous...

Once I finish my smoke, I throw the bud off the balcony. My stomach growls. Being high always makes me hungry. (relatable) I limp my way out of the room and make my way downstairs, holding a book to read. I see a small light on in the kitchen and I look around. Clear. I go towards the fridge and take a peek. I see orange creme yogurt and some grapes. I sit at the counter and eat my yogurt. After finishing it and eating my grapes someone walks in and scares the living hell out of me. I cover my mouth to ensure I don't scream. Whoever it is, turns on the light. Once the lights are on I can make out Jack's face. I turn back to eating my grapes while reading my small book. I can hear Jack doing something in the fridge and to my surprise, he sits down next to me.

-What are you reading?

I look at him with a confused look before looking at my book.

-Um, Binding 13...

-Sound's like a girly book.

-It can be.

He nods in agreement. We sit in silence before I look up to see Nick walking in through the front door. He looks at Jack and me and his face turns to... anger. Disappointment?

-Who brought you down here, Ariana?

I look down at the table, not answering. I sense Nick's eyes on me.

-Ariana? Did you seriously walk down here yourself?

I nod, my lips pressed into a tight line.

-Why didn't you ask anyone to bring you down?

-I didn't wanna be a burden. 

I hear Jack scoff.

-Attention seeker.

I turn to look at him. He looks at me with a smirk.

-What the fuck is your problem, dude?

His eyes widen in surprise before he looks angry.

-Who the hell do you think you're talking to?

-Uh the person I thought was my brother.

-You're not my sister.

-Genetics say differently.

-Fuck genetics.

-Fuck you.

-You probably would, you slut!

I feel my eyes fill with tears.

-Oh here we go, the water works.

I turn to look at him and glare before I start limping up to my room. Nick comes up behind me to help me, I attempt to shove him off and walk on my own. He grabs my arm and turns me around to face him. When he sees tears rolling down my face, his face softens. He picks me up bridal style and carries me upstairs. I bury my face in his shoulder. I feel myself being sat on a bed and when I look around I notice it's a different room. Must be his.

-Ari, I'm going to ask you a question and I need you to be honest, okay?


-Are you high?

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