Mikeys POV

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It was around 10pm and I was soundly sleeping when I hear my door creaking. I ignore it for the most part, still half dreaming.

A warmth comforts me and I realise that someone is putting a blanket over me, still, I'm too lazy to open my eyes.

Is Gerard back finally? I thought to myself.

I realise then that something smelt a lot like smoke as the person got closer to me.
Oh god, is Gerard smoking again..
He must be going through his grieving process thing. He almost killed himself with all the drinking and smoking he did last time... this can't happen again.

———— Mikey's Diary Entry———-

I woke up early, so I decided to check up on Gerard.
I opened his bedroom door, expecting to see him getting ready, but he was knocked out like a light on the bed, his body looking as if he was thrown on there randomly.
How can that be comfortable-
What a weirdo. It makes sense he was still sleeping though— the cigarettes always made him sleepy and I'm pretty sure he had coffee last night so he was probably up all night.

Oh, Gerard, when will you learn?

This guy doesn't know any better. He thinks his problem is, what, that he's traumatised? That he's insane, that he's mute? And he thinks drugs are gonna fix that? His problem is that he's lonely; my big brother is lonely.
I know him,— I've heard him talking to himself, always writing down thoughts and thinking and sitting in his room, staring at walls. He's lonely and he's too wrapped up in himself to see it. Poor, stupid guy. He doesn't need drugs, all he needs is someone there for him. He has his family, but that's not the kind of love he needs. He needs a friend, or, perhaps, a lover; a soulmate.
He's never really dated anyone actually. My brother doesn't realise it, but he's pretty. And people notice. I don't know why, but he's so oblivious to people around him sometimes. I remember all the girls in middle school who'd try striking up conversations with him, offer him food, write him notes, he never got it. Dumb ass.
He's never really had a crush, besides this superficial one on a girl in middle school called Betty. He liked her, drew her all the time, because he said that she reminds him of Mom, and he said mom was beautiful.
I know he needs human touch, he's never tried touching romantically, in fact the guy struggles very badly in the love department; you'd almost think he's a closeted gay or something

————— end of entry———

It was Friday, lunch time at school.

"Hey Kristy" I smile lovingly at the girl sitting across from me at the lunch table.

"Hey Mikey, thanks again for letting me and my smelly brother stay with you guys." She said.
I smiled at her, grabbing her hand as an attempt to console her,
"Of course, it's not a bother".
I was getting way better at affection with Kristy without having my face turn a deep red OR getting excited on accident.
" Kristy,, my brother is going through a rough patch and he's really lonely. Do you know any one he could, yknow, hang out with?"

She stared at me as if the answer was obvious,

" Mikey, what about my brother?"

"No I mean like, someone he can get close with like- like how we are."

"Yeah, my brother."

" oh. I never thought about it that way I- I don't know if my brothers attracted to, yknow,- Is your brother?"

"Attracted to guys? Definitely. To be honest, I think he might be attracted to your brother— he's always asking about him and acting weird around him or whenever the Way family is mentioned."

"Hm. I had never considered if my brother was attracted to guys but it could make sense on why he's never dated or really had crushes. I never even considered guys an option at all but of course a guy would eventually set their eyes on him; Gerard is unconventionally beautiful, I think he gets it from our mum. He doesn't see it but behind that greasy hair and old clothes, he's angelic. His rugged attire and shy, reserved nature makes it hard for some people to take notice, but only special people see him for who he is." I say, almost forgetting I was talking to someone and sort of started wandering into my thoughts.

By the time I finished talking and looked back at Kristy, she was absolutely swooning over me out of nowhere.
I stared in confusion, then started to blush once I realised she was staring.

"You're such a good brother, you know that?" She sighed.

"Ah-uh- yeah, I guess so. I-is it a big deal?" I was getting flustered as she stared at me with goo goo eyes.

"Mikey", she chuckled, "girls find that sort of thing really attractive. Especially when the guy doesn't realise."

"W-wha" is all I could muster, my blood rushing to my face, making it hot and red. and my 'little buddy' getting excited once again.

Apparently I had found some 'girl hack' because girls find it attractive when guys are kind to their brother I guess? And don't realise it? I don't know, girls are so confusing.

Kristy just laughed at my flustered reaction.
" calm down, Mikey. As I was saying, if you're so worried about your brother being lonely, get him to get close with my brother."

I nodded at her smart idea.

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