Gerards POV

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I got a notification just as I lay on my bed.
Could it be? I wondered to myself.
I flipped the bright blue screen to face me and saw a message from none other than the person who was trying out for the band.

'Yo. I'm around whenever' read the message. Wow, what if this persons really cool, I should seem cool, too.

'Cool. Meet me on Church Street on Saturday, bring your guitar.'
My plan was we could meet at the end of the street and walk to the studio
Oh right, isn't Frank staying there now? Maybe I can go visit him and tell him? I'll tell him he can stay if he wants but that someone's coming over on Saturday, just so he knows, hopefully he won't mind it. I'm sure he'll be out anyway.

Tomorrow I'll only have one more day of school, it would be Friday.

I better get some sleep now, it's pretty late.

Friday morning rolled around and I lazily got out of bed, wishing that I could sleep for ever and never have to wake up.

Ugh, it's 8:30 already? I realised as I checked the time on my phone.
Dad was already at work and Mikey along with Kristy, I assumed, had already headed to school.

I had a plan: I was going to skip school to buy clothes and stuff for Frank. I felt bad he was dropped off alone in that studio, plus I was already invading his space by using it for my band thing, the least I could do is get him a house-warming gift. Also, I did not wanna go to school today. Honestly, I was trying to do anything I could to distract myself from the visions.

I picked out my best clothes— I wanted to be presentable. A cool Batman shirt my dad gave me, and a pair of cargo pants which were hand-me-downs. ( I figured I should wear something other than skinny jeans for once).

After a pit stop at the gas station for coffee( my breakfast) I entered the crowded mall, bustling with lively chatter and the sounds of shoes slapping against the cold mall floor.
Why are so many teenagers in the mall anyway? Does nobody go to school anymore.. I thought, not even seeing the irony of me standing there whilst I myself should've been at school.

As I walked into the clothes store, I realised something— what does Frank Iero even wear? What would he like, is he a comic nerd? Does he listen to music? He seems sort of punk, right?

I wasn't sure in myself but I decided to go with a sort of punk aesthetic. Listen, as odd as it may seem, I know my fair share about clothes.

I walked into the clothes store, running my hand through the rack of clothes, feeling the different textures of fabric brush against my skin. The fresh smell of brand new clothes relaxed me. As much as I don't like to admit it, I loved shopping sometimes.

I saw a particular shirt stick out to me, it was nice: it had a graphic design of a guitar and words saying 'punk rocks'. How cheesy, he'd love this.
I nabbed the shirt, two other ones and two long sleeved shirts which were more plain, but not boring.

After that, I went to the jacket section, an array of colours meeting my eye. I saw a pretty green coat amongst the huge circle rack.
I pulled out the coat, it was large and had fur around the collar. I imagined how frank would look in it, the jacket engulfing him with the fuzzy fur brushing against his cheeks. It was perfect.

After buying some cargo shorts and baggy jeans which I thought he'd totally rock, I checked out all the stuff. I glanced at my watch: the time was 2pm. I had time to stop by the cafe and grab another coffee before Frank got back from school. And maybe a pack of cigarettes? One or two couldn't hurt right about now.

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