Gerards POV

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"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Frank questioned me when I told him that green suited him.

It did suit him. But why? I think it was cus of his eyes. I leaned in closer to take a better look at them— his face being mere centimetres away from mine, so close our eyelashes almost intertwined.
I observed the glossy surface of his eyeball, taking note of how the colours clashed within his iris, splashes of emerald green exploding from the centre of his pupil.

I took my face back, only slightly to see how his eyes looked with the rest of his face. I was now sure of my initial hypothesis; Green definitely suited him.
"Yeah, it's a compliment." I confirmed, "You've got tints of emerald in your eyes after all."

I noticed that Franks breathing was getting heavier. He suddenly spoke, shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Gerard-" he started, though not being able to muster up the rest of his words.
I think he almost leaned in closer (we were so close I don't know how he managed to make the distance between us smaller) like he was going to utter something he shouldn't, or as if he didn't want people to hear— like it was a secret that wasn't meant to be spoken.

The anticipation built up inside me, not being able to hide the curiousness on my face.

"I have something to tell you, but I just don't know how to say it." He spoke.
I was oblivious to how nervous he was or how tense the air around us was, because I blurted out the first joke that came to my mind, thinking that the topic was not much more than light-hearted.

"Ahaha, what? Do you like me or something?" I joshed with him, laughing on at the preposterous sentence I had said.
After me laughing for a bit too long, I finally realised he wasn't laughing along. Infact, he wasn't smiling at all...

Then I remember what Kristy and Mikey told me.

No, he doesn't like me. That's crazy. Frank Iero? Like someone like me? I just can't even imagine it.

But I was growing worried as to why he was so serious.

"Huh? Why aren't you saying anything?" I put some distance between us, suddenly becoming very aware of the situation. The tense air that didn't seem to affect me so much before was suddenly taking a toll on me and I realised the gravity of what Frank was about to say.

"Frank?" My voice pried at him for answers that he seemed to be hopelessly trying not to say, whilst contemplating on saying them all at the same time.

And like a pressure pot left on the stove, he burst; exploded. Words spurred out of his mouth like the downpour of a waterfall.

"I like you Gerard. I like you so much."
Before my brain had even processed what he'd said, I briefly saw his face come closer to mine, head tilted to the side.

I felt soft rose petals push against mine, they were pleading my petals to kiss back, begging for any sign of interest or love that they so desperately needed to flourish.
But I pulled away. And for some reason, I was the one who felt hurt.
I couldn't bring myself to kiss him back; it was too sudden and too soon and it felt wrong, maybe sinful. But whatever it was, It made me feel nauseous.

"Frank, what are you doing?" I uttered with betrayal in my voice. Getting up from the bed to confront him

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't think," He cried woefully, "I- you don't like me back?"
He was now standing up as well, facing me with a pleading look of despair on his heart-broken face.

"I'm sorry, Frank. I- I don't like guys."

"It okay, I understand." He replied in defeat.

This was so so wrong. I felt sick to my stomach, what had just happened?

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