Frank POV

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The sight of Gerard's withered form made me feel like punching something again. My busted fists flared as I pushed the boy's raven hair behind his ears, moving my fingers down to his fluttering eyelashes. They're so long. How can someone be this beautiful, even while passed out? He looked like a moratory subject, ghostly skin and sunken eyes, mouth letting out such light breaths as he quivered from under my touch.

Kristy looked up at me in worry, pressed close to my side as she fiddled with the spotless bedsheets lining Gerard's bed.

The boy suddenly murmured something, a weak call seeping of desperation. "Mom..."


I glanced at Gerard's father, his expression falling as wrinkled fingers moved to hold Mikey's. The machine continued to chime its constant ring as questions sat on my tongue, threatening to spill out. His Mom, huh.

Mr.Way finally met my stare, kind eyes glossing over like a foggy lake. He opened his mouth before quickly shutting it again, conflict flickering across his face. Mikey sighed, lifting his head as he began explaining.

"Gerard doesn't remember much about her. Hell, I can't even imagine her face." The boy took a breath, giving a private smile to the girl next to me. "But I know he misses her. A lot." Mr. Way averted his eyes at the proclamation, squeezing his son's hand gently.

"I-I'm dating someone new now, Mikey. My love of your mother is in the past now, please don't bring it up." The man's voice quivered as he spoke, shaking harder when Mikey sent a venomous glare his way.

"Not that we know who it is." The boy muttered, jaw clenched as he pulled his hand away. "She is NOT my mother." Mikey's firm tone surprised me as he responded, feeling Kristy stiffen at my side.

"I want you and Gerard to be happy, Mikey. But to do that, I need to be happy too." Mr.Way shifted in his seat, facing his only conscious son directly. "No one can replace your mother, but please let me move on. I've been depressed for years, and my date is making me truly happy."

His usual gruffness completely faded away as Mikey's darkened face scrunched up, glasses falling down the bridge of his nose.

"Never forget that you and Gerard both will always be more important to me than anyone else. Always." He took the kid by the shoulders, confirming the words that had haunted the boy for years. Mikey's resolve started to shed away at the sight of his vulnerable father, fingernails pressing into soft skin as he shook.

"I love you kids. I always will."

Mikey broke as he flung himself at Mr.Way, wrapping small arms around the man's frame. Me and Kristy watched silently as father and son hugged, a sincere scene of desperation and stability. A promise.

I whispered softly to Kristy, not wanting to remind the duo that the room wasn't only theirs. "I agree by the way. Family forever, blah blah blah."

I saw my sister suppress a laugh as she faked a reprimanding tone. "Don't say that, it was sweet."

I sent her a baffled look, nudging her in the side. "It was corny. I feel like I'm watching a hospital drama."

Kristy giggled at that, warm eyes crinkling. "Ew, wait imagine if he's dating our mom. Then the family would be like, a hexagon."

I gagged, pushing her away. "Don't even joke about that, you psycho!"

Just as the girl moved to shove me back, the bedsheets rustled as its patient stirred awake.

"where am I?" The disorientated victim rubbed the back of his head, ruffling up the already messy hair.


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