Gerards POV

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After deciding that my notes would make great song lyrics, I altered them slightly, so it'd be more fitting as lyrics.
I still need to ask Mikey and Ray to join the band! I completely forgot.
I quickly scribbled down a crappy invitation to my band to hand to Ray and Mikey, then decided to go on my piano to figure out how this song was gonna sound.

I messed around on the keyboard for a bit, writing down a few song notes and also notes for the guitar, I knew how to because learning about music was one of my favourite past-times.

Just as I was orchestrating our first song, my phone buzzed.
I jolted up like a kitten after being scared with a cucumber, and checked my phone.

Frank? Why is he talking about Godzilla at like 10pm at night?

I exchanged what seemed to be very confusing messages with him until I finally got the gist.
Ohhh, he's inviting me to watch Godzilla, I love classic clichés like this! And so obviously, I agreed.

I found myself waiting outside my studio door. After knocking, I heard movement from the other side.

The door swung open and I was face-to-face with a very nice smelling Frank
Had he just taken a shower?

"Hey. You ready to watch this movie?"

He asked me, I nodded along contently in response, taking off my warm coat in the even warmer studio, but I kept my favourite striped scarf on.

"We've got popcorn, and booze. Take your pick."

I sat on the couch and opened a bottle of beer, I smelt the bitter suds of the alcoholic beverage as I brought it up to my lips, swishing the drink around my mouth so it caught on all my taste buds.

Ahh, alcohol i've missed your taste.

I heard the iconic intro of the movie start and when I glanced over to Frank, he looked thrilled for it to begin.

"This is a classic," Frank suddenly spoke, making me turn to look at him.

"He's, like, super pathetic in this one actually, but I still like it. I mean, the characters suck but at least... actually there's nothing really good about this movie. But it's entertaining."

I found a smile lingering on my face as I almost subconsciously nodded along to what he was saying. But I wasn't faking my interest at all, I love hearing people talk about what they like, it's so interesting and I always learn from it. I liked hearing him ramble especially because when he talked about something he liked, his voice got almost higher and more bouncy. He sounded joyous like a kid waiting in line for the bouncy house castle, just bustling with excitement.
I merely chuckled at his love for this movie and then found myself yawning, being reminded of how late it was and how sleepy I was.

"Whatever. Let's just watch the movie" he then said, almost like he was silencing himself because he realised how much he'd been rambling. Not that I minded anyway.

The movie went on, roars and yelling and crash sounds emitting from the tv but yet I somehow managed to accidentally doze off, even with all the ruckus.

When I woke up, I was in quite the predicament to say the least. I was laying on Frank, practically bombarding the poor boy, getting drool on him and crushing him with my weight.

I blinked my eyes open and found that I was not but inches away from his face, the look on it being embarrassed and what seemed to be distraught.
My shirt crinkled and sticking to my skin, the shirt being pulled halfway up my body, leaving my tummy exposed.
I was panicking, but too lazy to get up fast.
I felt my face getting hot as I was still very much close and on top of this boy so I finally got up and off of him, searching for my notebook in my pocket.

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