Gerards POV

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My feet padded along the glittery footpath, a thin layer of snow sprinkled on its surface. Winter is coming, all the more reason to wear my favourite scarf!

Frank suddenly slowed down beside me, "Hey, Gee?" He asked out into the snowy air.

"Yeah? Everything okay?"

He placed his hand on my frosty face, wiping a snowflake off my nose, " Your gym clothes. We forgot your gym clothes."

Shoot, how could I have forgotten something like that? Maybe we can walk back home to get it?

"Ohhhhh" the realisation dawned on me as I glanced around, noticing we were already approaching campus and it was too late to turn back.



"Yeah," Frank agreed. "You don't have to come," he eventually said, "You're not allowed to go without gear."

It was true, you weren't. But Frank's sorrow brought me more pain than I could bear. How could I leave him disappointed? he's done so much for me and the one thing he asks of me I can't even go through with it? No. I owe him at least this much.

"Nope. We'll find a way" I assured him. Maybe I can find something in lost-and-found? We could always ask the coach if he has spares— I'm sure he does.

The school bells blared through its halls and Frank and I were now faced with the menacing figure that was his coach.

"As you boys know, it's against regulation to go to gym without proper gear." the man's voice bounced off the dusty storage room walls.

"I think I've got something spare in your size, but you might not like it."

Why wouldn't I? Whatever. I'm sure it's probably a gym outfit with shorts that are too short, nothing I can't handle.

"Yes. I'll take it." I responded with finality, a sudden burst of confidence spurring out of me.

"Are you sure, boy? There's no turning back once you've decided," he said cautiously as he rummaged around.

What is he stalling for, I said yes.

"Yes, I'm sure, I'll be with Frank no matter what." I smiled as I glanced at the boy, noticing the corners of his mouth twitching upwards.

I stood contently as the coach spun around with an old gym uniform.

Wait... is that...

I felt the colour drain from my face, my eyes taking in the horrifying sight; the petite skirt swayed enticingly at me, its green hue reflecting on my face of horror.

"a-a cheerleading outfit?!" I exclaimed, my glare shooting between the dress and the coach's face, praying that he was playing some cruel joke on me.

"Sorry, kid. It's this or diddly squat." The coach replied, handing me the outfit.

I looked over to Frank, who seemed nothing more than amused.

"what do you think?" Frank asked me.

I stared at the fabric in my hands.

God dammit, Frank, you're lucky I care about you so much.

"I mean- there's no other option, right? I don't mind it" I remarked with false confidence. What the hell am I getting myself into.

"Well, alright then, boy. See you two in the gym" the coach announced, leaving the room with just me and Frank left.

"So you're really wearing it?" Frank asked, a hint of excitement showing in his voice.

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