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The one downside about being in a predominantly male group was the constant protectiveness. Despite all of the jokes, insults and endless banter, the seven guys that were practically family at this point wouldn't even let me go on a simple date without warranting an extensive background check.

"What if he's a serial killer?" Josh asked me whilst I tried to escape the building, moments after finishing filming.

"Or," JJ interrupted, "what if he's ugly?"


"I think a serial killer might be slightly more worrisome than him being ugly," I laugh, still not delving too deep into the subject. Honestly — this was my own fault for mentioning it. Even if it was only to Kon and Ethan managed to overhear, I should've been more careful.

"Half of the viewers only watch us to watch you, Kenzie. If you get killed by a serial killer, it'll be seriously detrimental to the brand," Simon says, trying to be serious but failing, a little grin displayed on his face.

"I'm flattered you think I'm so important to the group," I smirk, picking up my stuff. "But you all need to back off. If I needed — or actually wanted your help, or whatever this is, I would've asked. Seriously, go home, get a life, and I'll see you tomorrow morning," I sigh, shaking my head.

"But —" JJ starts, but I shush him.

"Nope! I am mentally and physically clocking out now, I've had to deal with you lot for eight hours already today. I will message someone if I need rescuing. But I'm sure I will be fine," I tell them, knowing full well I won't message any of them, but I know it'll reassure them a little.

"Promise?" Tobi asks, and he genuinely looks a little worried.

"For sure. I'll see you in the morning...goodbye!" I reiterate, and this time no one objects. Perhaps because I was a little more firm with my tone this time.

"Make sure you shower before you meet him," Ethan calls out jokingly, and I stuck my middle finger up at him.

"You trying to say I smell?" I counter, raising an eyebrow.

"He might not be, but I am. You'll knock the poor man out with the stench coming from you," Harry comments, the cheeky grin I'm used to plastered all over his face.

"You can shut the fuck up, Bog. Next time I'm hosting a video with teams, expect the bad team," I reply, making his mouth close because we all know that I am actually hosting the next travelling video, due to start filming next week. "Has anyone else got something to say, or can I get on with my life now?"

And finally, there was complete silence.

I took the chance to run, leaving all seven of my friends behind, dumbfounded. As soon as the door closed behind me, I could feel my phone started to vibrate with notifications, and I knew exactly what was happening.


@kenzie send a pic of your guy when you get there
Let us judge if he's ugly 💪🏿

Course he will be 😭

You've seen some of the men she's been into

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