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"Thanks for coming round, Jon," I thank our camera man and friend, entering Harry's apartment.

"No problem. How's the leg?" He asks, sitting on the sofa opposite the one I was inhabiting.

It had been two days since I'd temporarily moved into Harry's flat, still very much incapable, and in pain. Harry had been very patient with me — of course it had come with the little remarks and jokey insults, but that was a guarantee if Harry was involved.

"Still painful. The pain meds are helping, and it's been nice to actually sit down and relax, I suppose. I've been getting very bored though. I've missed what — one Sidemen shoot, two more Sidemen shoots and a couple of Side Plus? I feel so behind," I list out, hating how much I'd missed, despite knowing it wasn't intentional.

"It hasn't been the same without you, I'm not going to lie. Someone needs to put them in their place, usually that's you," he tells me with a grin, mouthing and pointing at Harry as he walks over.

He gives us both a look. "Sorry," he says slowly. "Am I interrupting something? In my own apartment?" He asks, the sarcasm evident.

"Yeah, actually," I reply, shaking my head in mock disappointment.

"I'll just fuck off then, yeah? Don't want views for your video," he teases.

"Not sure where you got the impression I needed you to get views, Harry. Last time I checked...I had how many more subs than you?" I ask, hanging it over his head that I'd recently overtaken him on my individual channel.

"You're never going to let me forget that, are you? Maybe I'll have to post a random video to overtake you again," he grins, settling down beside me, careful to not disturb my rested leg.

"You can't be bothered enough to do that, I'm not worried," I air out, Jon looking amused at our interaction.

"If you're quite finished arguing, the cameras are set up. I just need to mic you both up," he says, coming over and kneeling in front of us, helping us connect the mic's.

Once we're ready, Jon gives me a thumbs up to tell me we're rolling.

"Long time no see, but I'm back to exploit the free time given to me by this man here," I introduce, pointing towards Harry sitting next to me.

"Hello, yes, I'm here very much against my will," Harry says, to which I give a light slap on his arm.

"Voluntary. Shut up. Anyway, you lovely people have absolutely flooded in with questions, which Jon has sifted through to ask. Jon, fire away," I grin, and Jon reads from his phone.

"We got this one a lot. How did you actually hurt your leg?" He asks.

"Do you want to share or should I?" I ask Harry with a grin, but he motions with his hands to allow me to talk. "We were organising a surprise birthday for Tobi's party, and well — my hiding spot got taken so Harry had a genius idea to hide in a spot that was realistically made for one person. I got into the corner, pulled Harry in behind me in the dark and boom! My leg got crushed —"

"You're acting like I'm humongous! It was just an awkward angle," he interrupts.

"I was getting to that! Anyway, he landed awkwardly and fucked my leg up. Officially diagnosed with a bruised muscle, or a muscle contusion, I don't know. Can't really remember," I explain.

"Next question. Favourite Sidemen video you've filmed?"

"Mine was probably the UK pub golf. That was absolutely gold, I loved that one," Harry says, referring to the one him and Ethan planned.

"I had a monstrous hangover the two days after that. Filming more Sidemen was hell. I just wanted my bed," I remember, vowing to never try to match Harry's drinking capabilities ever again.

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