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"Tell me honestly. Too much to open the new Sides location?" I ask Faith on FaceTime, literally five minutes before Harry was supposed to be picking me up.

"Oh, girl. Not at all. You're going to show me and the others up though! You look fucking incredible," she compliments as I give a little twirl for the camera.

I liked dressing up, and I tried to do it as much as I could, though I usually ended up wearing comfy clothes for shoots. It was events like this that I could truly shine, which why was today I had gone all out.

"Let's see what you're wearing?" I ask, watching as she steps back, looking gorgeous in a black jumpsuit. "Amazing. One hundred percent we're showing the rest up, I'm pretty sure Harry is wearing trackies again. Might have to watch out for Tobi or Josh, though."

"Yeah, Josh has been getting more stylish recently! I think Freya's bringing him into line since the engagement," she smiles.

"About time. Only took him over a decade to muster up the balls," I chuckle, eyes darting to the top of my screen where a notification from Harry had come through, letting me know he'd arrived.

"I've got to go. I'll see you in about thirty minutes," I tell her, ending the call after we rush our goodbyes.

I'd first been introduced to Faith just under three years ago, and we'd clicked instantly. Safe to say, I'd clicked with all of the girls in the group, but Faith was someone I saw as a sister. Not only that, but being Olive's godmother was also something that connected us in a way that was difficult to reproduce with anyone else.

Harry was Olive's godfather, and god forbid anything happened to either of them, but we both knew Olive would be in safe hands.

The boots I'd chosen to wear weren't the easiest to walk in, and I was grateful for the lift. I didn't want to fuck up my leg, or foot, any more than it had been fucked up in the last few weeks.

Today was my first public outing since the injury, and I was a tiny bit nervous, after being out of action for a couple of weeks. I'd missed weeks of Sidemen shoots, some of which weren't going to be coming out for a while, so now was the time to focus and knuckle down.

Walking through the lobby I noticed Harry's car immediately. It was kind of hard to miss, especially with his music blasting out of it. He'd made it a habit, especially since I told him how much I hated the attention it always attracted.

"I could hear you from the lobby," I grumble, climbing into the passenger seat, turning the music down for him so he was actually able to hear me.

He just grins. "Good afternoon to you too, grumpy. Din't fancy wearing red today then?" He asks sarcastically, referring to my outfit that was entirely red.

"Nice to see you too. Sorry you can't recognise a good outfit, Mr Trackies," I reply, settling into the front seat as he starts to drive.

"What the fuck is wrong with the trackies?!" He exclaims, as if I've said the most offensive thing ever.

"Nothing is wrong with the trackies, maybe it's just you I have an issue with," I retort, which shuts him up for a little bit.

Game meets game.

"How many people are expected to be showing up for this event today?" I ask, scrolling through some emails on my phone.

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