I made a friend

8 1 13

18 March 2024

While I told myself 2024 would be the year I present as offputting as possible in public because I don't want anymore friendships to destroy.. I've only lasted 3 weeks into the semester and made a new friend at uni LMAO. She's not even in my class we just were waiting for free gelato and bubble tea and she chat to me and then we sat in the sun and talked for a few hours ... it was weird cos I literally forgot how to talk to people it's been so long but I was just my weirdo self and she was so lovely! Anyways let's hope we never get close because we all know what happens then HAHA bye bye new friend ! Still it'll be nice to have a familiar face on campus!

Anyways because I experienced something remotely positive my brain has decided to punish me for it and I literally feel like killing myself.. I also am on my period so like yeah. I'm so tired idk how I'm gonna get through the rest of the week and tomorrow is only Tuesday lol. We'll see what happens I guess.

I also want to submit some of my better poetry to this publication by a uni in my city (not my university a diff one) but their deadline is this weekend so I'm gonna see how I can make it better and submit cos why not :,)

Other than that I just have a massive headache and pain in my body (chest pain and arm pain) that I've been having consistently almost all the time everyday for like 7 days now lol rip. It kinda went away for 2 weeks so I thought these meds my dr gave me fixed it but then after 2 weeks it came back so now idk what it is but I'm not going back to dr for a few months cos she said to take this meds for 2 months lmao. anyways I did have an ultrasound on my heart as well and it was clear I think so at least I'm probably not dying hopefully.. it's just really inconvenient bc I feel like I'm having a heart attack at all times and am always short of breath but eh see what happens aye

Imma stop ranting away now I think I rlly needa sleep so I can attend my lecture in the morning but ugughejhsjsjs I'm so exhausted that I don't even wanna sleep you know :,)