random existence

6 1 9

23 March 2024

I have so much to say but I need to shower.

My existence right now is so weird.

I just did something potentially exciting for the first time in a while (related to writing) but I won't say yet cause I need to be manifesting good things HAHA ill let you know if it was of any success in the future :,)

Also this is random but I rlly want a RICOH GRiii camera for ages ugh. I think I'm gonna get one maybe when I get rich one-day lmao (maybe when I get my next uni scholarship payment in a month lmao, I kinda need to money for like basic living costs but it is what it is imma make it work haahahahah)

Ok I'm going to shower now and go to bed cos I needa somehow dedicate tomorrow to doing a uni assignment which is a nightmare cos I need to take my adhd meds but I can't take my adhd meds bc they cause the pain in my chest and arms to get a lot worse and result in me literally not breathing so let's just pray that I have random motivation and drive and beat my adhd tomorrow LOLLILOL unlikely but hoping for a miracle !!!!! I have so much to do ahhh I'm stressed. And I'm actually eating good and everything lately and yet my health is still shit and I'm still in pain so idk what to do about it idk if I should go to the dr like this week (it's been a month since she gave me meds but she said take them for 2 months but I'm like they aren't even fixing the problem so idk if I should wait another month or just go back) anyway imma stop yapping now I hope I can give u sometbing more interesting tomorrow, as long as I don't almost forget like I did tonight oops ily stay safe homies <33