Chapter 5

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Whoo, what a week it has been. My computer had to go through some work but thankfully everything is back to normal and working better than ever! I hope everyone has a good weekend and maybe this chapter will make it a little better :)

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Kara’s POV

            I averted my eyes after a few seconds, uncomfortably aware of Mr. Lahote’s gaze. When he had entered the gym, it was apparent to all of us that he was mad about something. The door slamming against the wall startled all of us and stole our voices.

He didn’t look up as he walked to the middle of the gym. A clipboard was in his hand and he gripped it with such strength that I was surprised it didn’t break under the force. He looked mean and strict and not like the fun teachers the students in the gym had been talking about seconds earlier. It definitely wasn’t the best way to start the year but I barely had time to analyze anything before he was calling us over and telling about what we would be doing today.

            When he was calling the other students’ names, I couldn’t keep my eyes from straying to his figure. Even in shorts and a loose shirt, it was obvious that he was in really good shape. His black hair was just long enough so that  the ends hung over his forehead, barely in his eyes . He kept his face down, bringing it up only long enough to glimpse the person he had just called. It wasn’t long enough to truly gauge anything but I couldn’t deny that he was very attractive. He couldn’t be much older than his students. Early to mid-twenties perhaps. Why would someone so young be allowed to teach a bunch of teenagers?

            It was when he said my name that I came out of my thoughts of him. I shouldn’t even be thinking anything about him besides the fact that he was my gym teacher. “Here,” I said softly, raising my hand like he instructed. His eyes searched for me and when they landed on me, we both froze.

            Before I wasn’t able to get a good look at his face but now, as he stared at me, I felt my heart rate speed up. His eyes met mine and I couldn’t look away. They were a warm brown and seemed to draw me in. He was staring at me a lot longer than he had the others and I hadn’t forgotten that we had an audience of other students. It took a lot of effort but I was able to drag my eyes away to look at the dungy gym floor.

            He cleared his throat and continued until all the names had been called. We dispersed then and all the guys  and some of the girls, including Gabriella, went barreling toward the utility room where all the basketballs and other things were. The gym was soon full of the sound of bouncing balls or talking.

Most of the girls went to talk to Mr. Lahote and I noticed a few even trying to flirt with him. I turned away from the scene and noticed  Gabriella was shooting a basketball on one of the smaller goals that were placed around the gym. I made my way over to her making sure to dodge the guys throwing a football.

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