Chapter 8

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Hello everyone!! Sorry I've been gone for so long. I had exams and then right after I went on vacation. Needless to say, I didn't have a lot of time to write. But that is all over because I am finally getting this chapter up!! I hope the wait was worth it. The next few chapters (two maybe) will take place around the bonfire. So, should I have another chapter in Paul's POV? Let me know what you think. Thanks so much for all the support!

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Kara's POV

I ran my hand through my hair for the umpteenth time tonight. I could hear Dad in the kitchen. A rarity especially on a Friday night. I would usually be in there with him making sure the house didn't burn down or that he was actually eating something of nutritional value. But, I couldn't focus on that right now. No, I had to finish getting ready.

Gabriella told me that she and Brady were going to pick me up for the bonfire at eight. It was now five minutes until that time and I still wasn't completely ready. It had taken forever to figure out a perfect outfit. Maybe it's still not perfect but it would do. Stacy had said it was casual, nothing special but I couldn't help but think that I'd be meeting some of their other friends and family. I wanted to make a good impression. Not to mention the fact that Paul was going to be there.

A smile played at the corner of my mouth as his name ran through my mind. The giddiness I felt earlier was evident even now. With the giddiness however, came nervousness. As much as I have tried to deny it over the past week, I did feel an attraction toward Paul.

It was wrong and stupid of me but sometimes you can't help who you are attracted to. While a weight seemed to lift off my shoulders after actually admitting it to myself, it's not like I could do anything about it. I guess I'll just have to crush from afar and hope that maybe it'll go away in time.

Doing some last minute touch-ups on the little makeup I had put on, I resigned myself to stop changing. I was done. Now I had to wait. I grabbed a jacket that I placed on my bed and left the room.

"Hey dad," I said dropping down in a chair at the kitchen table. I hadn't seen him in a while. This was the first time I really talked to him in days. He glanced over his shoulder from where he was cooking at the stove and smiled. I saw his eyes move from my face to my outfit, a casual pair of shorts and a nice tank top. His eyebrow cocked as he turned more to face me.

"And where is my lovely daughter off to?" he asked, his arms crossing over his chest. I restrained myself from rolling my eyes. I love my dad, don't get me wrong, but it was ridiculous that he was trying to act like a protective one now when he is barely around.

"Just going to a bonfire with some friends I've made. They should be here to pick me up any minute," I replied leaning back in my chair. I was prepared for the onslaught of questions that I'm sure was to come.

"And what time will you be back? Will there be boys there?" he asked. My eyes briefly flicked to the stove behind him where smoke was slowly starting to billow from the skillet before going back to my dad's furrowed brow.

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