Chapter 8: Glimpse of your Heart.

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It has been a few years since I worked here, and Ms. Lady Tremaine has been away once again. In comparison, I was cleaning the dust all over Ms. Lady Tremaine's favorite desk and place. I saw someone knocking at the door.

"I will get it, Ms. Tenor!"

I say with a cheerful day, when I opened the door I saw Sir Alexander Evergreen, he has the privilege to show up here after he dropped those letter last letters.

"Ms. Lady Tremaine is not here. I'm sorry."

I say, as I was about to close the door he grabbed my arms

"Please, let's talk."

He says, begging me as he wanted to talk, I did not want to see him.

Just to get this over with, I agreed to talk to him.

"Fine. But not here."

He nodded, I took him in front of the door and there was a bench, we took a seat.

"What are you going to say?, That you like me? listen here. I heard you married a woman who is from your village when I had received that letter. You are a fucking liar."

"No, listen, let me explain it first-"

I cut him by signaling him using my hands.

"No, if you liked me you have dared to stop marrying that woman, you want to know the truth?!, Fine! I'll tell you the truth."

I say, pointing to his chest.

"I like you, Okay?! I like you! I certainly do not know what is inside you but you made me fall for you. And that letter you gave me. I was so happy, so happy to the point that I thought I would marry you!"

I stood up and took a deep breath.

"But that was when... I learned... You are getting married."

All he could do was just sit there, looking like a fool.

"It was-"


I say walking towards the front door, He suddenly grabbed my arms and kissed me, The timing was perfect since Ms. Lady Tremaine had arrived, She was furious


As Ms. Lady Tremaine's voice echoed throughout the Tremaine houseold.

Narrator's Point Of View

As Lady Tremaine instructed Alexander Evergreen, Who's love for Francette is unconditional, Leave. As Alexander Evergreen wants to explain his side of the story.

"LEAVE, NOW! This is the last time I'll see you enter my roof, You are no longer allowed to be here."

Alexander Evergreen hesitantly stood up from the bench he was sitting on, Francette looked at him with pure disgust, anger, and hatred towards him.

As Lady Tremaine and Francette saw Alexander Evergreen walk away, she turned her gaze once again at Francette.

"You must explain yourself before you lose your job, Francette."

The question is still remaining: On the first day Francette served as a Maiden to Lady Tremaine, It is said in Lady Tremaine own words: "You are not allowed to touch this little young girl who stands before me."

There is a possibility Lady Tremaine is Falling for her servant, or is she just protecting Francette as she sees her as a fragile little girl?

"Ms. Lady Tremaine-"

Francette paused giving herself time to speak, Lady Tremaine had her arms crossed. Waiting for her to explain on why Alexander Evergreen kissed her.

"I was caught off guard, Ms. Lady Tremaine. I certainly did not expect for Sir Alexander to come here. And if I know he was coming, I shouldn't have opened the door. I am terribly sorry for what kinds of troubles I have given in this household."

Francette's voice had softens as she says Sorry to the Lady of the Village.

"You must understand, Francette that your actions reflect upon what you do in these household. I can not bare to see any scandalous material you'll bring. I could not certainly bare the disgust my daughters will have tarnishing our name. I'll give you one chance to prove your integrity to this household. Do NOT DISSAPOINT ME."

Lady Tremaine points a finger at her and then leaves.

The next day, Lady Tremaine instructed Francette to look for some animal as her pet cat, died. Francette felt sad for Lady Tremaine as she love her Cat named 'Valentina.'

As she was walking, by herself, one man covers her mouth making her fall asleep.

Lady Tremaine's Point Of View

It has been hours since I instructed Francette, now, she is still not here. I was worried for her.

"Madam, please do not panic.. I am sure she will come home later..."

I kept on pacing, right here and there.

"My guts. My guts are telling me something had happened."

I put my hands on my forehead as a sign of fraustration.

Someone knocked and I went instantly to open the door.

"Ms. Lady Tremaine?, Good evening, I suppose Francette Victoria works here?"

As soon as I heard her name, I was relief.

"Yes, Harriet. Where is she?"

Harriet is one of my friends, he lives on the different village but we manage to be close.

I say, holding my breath as I wait for him to tell me where She is. The whole maids stopped what they do as they are listening.

"Ms. Lady Tremaine, I saw Francette, with bruised in her arms, I don't know exactly what happened but I saw her. Please humbly come with me."

With panic, I drop the towel that I was holding and went instantly to the direction where he walk.

While we are walking, I ask.

"Harriet , how did you know that it was Francette?"

"Well, I met her accidentally last year and she was charming. She told me she worked at your house... And since I found her, unconscious. I went inside to tell you right away."

As we continue to talk, I saw a familliar body In the road, I bent down to check who it is.


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