The History Of The Past

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Narrator's Point Of View

Francette's Mother, Fiora Everheart was the maiden of Lady Tremaine's late husband, Also named Francis, In the Tremaine Household, months before his death, He murdered her, and Fiora was forced to be married to Francis' Elder Brother who was just about her age. There was this Tremaine Tradition before they got married, they had to play a deadly game. Because once you are found, you are going to be dead. And sadly Fiora was found. Unfortunately, The wedding became a bloody event. Francette remembered it all too well, but except Lady Tremaine who in later years she will be working for.

Lady Tremaine on the other hand, got a necklace from the neck of Fiora, she took it off and decided to keep it. Those who possess the necklace suffer a series of mysterious and deadly accidents, leading to paranoia and mistrust among the Tremaine family members.

Lady Tremaine had decided to throw the necklace somewhere far away from their home as it is cursed.

Fiora Everheart knows that she's going to be murdered, She accidentally made a noise on her hiding place and there, she was found and then killed.

Francette's Point Of View

While I was returning home from the City, I saw a necklace that is similar to what my mother wears as far as I can remember. It was a golden piece of butterfly and It was match with Flower, what my mother wears is the butterfly and while me, I wear the other necklace she gave me, up to this day, I'm still wearing it, as it reminds me of my Mother, but how come she dropped it here?. She was murdered. When my mother was working, at the Tremaine Household. I couldn't remember all of their faces since I was young. But I can recall Ms. Lady Tremaine's face.

Returning to reality, I was getting ready to open the door after for years I hadn't, I was shocked to see there are many webs, and I sighed. It looks like I have got cleaning things to do.

There was a familiar picture frame that was broken, and a piece of the necklace that she gave me that I Didn't wear.

But how come this necklace is still here? I certainly had thought she wore it.

Lady Tremaine's Point of View

The maidens were outside, and while I was just watching them, I decided to open the Forbidden Corridor. I got the keys and decided to open the Corridor, It has been so long since the last time I looked at this. I had guess Francete knows her mother's past, Francis, my late-husband's elder brother has been bound to get married to Francis' elder brother, but before they become official, we should play a deadly game, a game that can cause someone's lives. This has been the way ever since I was married. But I'm afraid, that if I tell francette that my husband is the reason why her mother died. I'm afraid that she will distance herself away from me.

"My mother was murdered, but I can't remember their faces. I mean I was a child.."

I recall her voice, which made me forgot that maidens were calling me.

"Lady Tremaine, someone wants to talk to you."


I say standing up and fixed my dress, I come out and saw one of my most fiery friend

"What do you want, Sal."

"Well I'm here to tell you that, you are getting married."

"I'm not doing this okay?!"

I yelled

"You have to."

"And then what? get him killed?! this traditions makes me a villain, Sal and you know it!"

"Oh, Tremaine, you already are a villain."

she says quietly, she was true.

"And yet here you are, annoying me with your presence!"

With that my two daughters came in.

"Mother it is so early in the morning, what is going on?!"

Anastasia yelled as she rubs  her morning dust off of her eyes.

"Come on Anastasia. don't be too dumb."

"What?, I'm just asking!"

"Mother, I'll ask you, Do you like Francette?"

With that, I was stunned. Half of me wants to say yes, half of me says no.

"Why did you decided to ask me that question?"

I ask, And I was denying.

"Because look at you, you were so kind, espicially to that maid-"

"Stop, I don't like her,  Anastasia. Stop that."

I warned her haunted eye as she looks at me like a prey, eager to eat her victims.

"Come on, Mother. You don't have to deny."

"No, I don't now get ready, let's visit that maid."

"Mother, you will visit her?"


she added

"Because I said so, Now get up. And get dressed"

I say shortly before getting upstairs. 


Francis has been out of down for two weeks. The children and I were playing with the toys their father had bought a month ago.

"Come on, kids. Lets eat first."

I say to them both, they both still wanted to play but they were getting hungry

The maidens opened the door for us, and I didn't smile at them.

"Maidens, what is the next on Francis's schedule?"

"Maybe he's on his way home, Madame. As far as I know, he's on his way home."

"You could have told me once. Don't need to tell me twice."

I say shortly. The maiden was silent,

"Children after this, you need to sleep you have classes for tommorow morning."

I say and took a bite of my food.

"But mother, I still want to play outside..."

Anastasia says with her annoyed tone.

"You can play tommorow, Darling. After school."

"I don't want to!"

She slam her hands on the table.

"What did I tell you about slamming your hands on the goddamn table?!"

I yelled at her.

"Now get up there, and go to bed!"

I stand up and got to the bedroom before that.

"Maidens, make sure the both of them will go to sleep after this."

The maidens nodded.


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