Chapter 12: Sign of the times.

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The very next day I woke up, and since I am Ms. Lady Tremaine's servant, I was oblige to do the things she'd ask me to. I got dressed and then went out to the kitchen, as I saw the kitchen, empty. I decided to start my cooking, thankfully my arm isn't swelling as much as before.

Ms. Geneive entered.

"Dear, let me help yo-"

"No need "

I say coldly, completely not wanting to see her for now.

"I have got good news for you."

"I don't care, and I don't want to be here."

I say fraustratingly. Ms. Lady Tremaine had entered the scene.

"Francette, can we talk?."

Her eyes are expectant, wishing that I'd allow her, and as a servant, I nodded.

"I.. I bought a house for two, and since we both felt the same way.. I was hoping you'd come living with me but I guess you won't, would you risk it?"

I was silent for a moment .

"No, I don't think so, Ms. Lady Tremaine."

She was silent, she heard me.

"That's that."

She paused before standing up behind me. She whispered to my ear.

"I love you, Francette."

I couldn't that word to her, even if I love her, something is telling me not to say it.

"I will be leaving tommorow, Ms. Lady Tremaine."

I say, standing up at the chair that is Infront of her.

"No, come on.. please.."

She stopped me from walking out.

"Is it because of Marcus? I didn't say y-"

"You don't need to explain yourself, Ms. Lady Tremaine. I know you didn't say yes, but I want you. To let me go. Let me out in this path. Please."

I say, taking my breaths.

"Come on, Please... Francette... What should I do?"

She whispers, holding to my bare hands.

"Will we ever learn?, We have Been here before. Ms. Lady Tremaine. I think it is time for us to part ways.'

"No, please."

"Ms. Lady Tremaine, I do not remember you saying you like me. I do not even remember if you said I love you. You only said that, because you want me to stay. Because I'm served you well. You only did that, because you NEED ME."

"COME ON! I love you, Okay?!"

She yelled back, and raised her hands in the air, as if she is fraustrated.


I point at her chest.

"I am just a servant here. Nothing more."

I say before leaving to go to maiden quarters.

As I sat there on the floor, knees are on my chest, not knowing what to do, whether should I fight for it or not.

She deserves someone who can truly treat her right, and i must accept that I'm, not one of them.

Before I leave, I had ask a special request for Ms. Lady Tremaine.

"Ms. Lady Tremaine?.. Is it okay if I... Take a walk around the village?.
This is my last request.."

I say to her hesitantly.

"Are you really sure, Francette?, You can always change your mind?.."

She says with an expecting me to change my decision. With that, she also places her hand on my hair.

"Yes, I am. "

She looked down.

"Very well. Go ahead then."

She walks away, and didn't look at me back, Instead, she goes up to her room.

I said Yes. There is no turning back.

My heart is aching.
As I have close our doors.
Finally, I will have my peace.
My freedom.

But how can you make me forget you?
When all you did was making me feel I'm enough?,
I'm just a servant,
Yet you treated me with so much respect.
Your heart is filled with coal,
But I also know your heart is golden.
You're sometimes irritated
But there is still calm in you.
You may be the winter,
But you can also be the summer.
You can be the fire,
You can also be the water.
You can be cold,
And you can also be hot.

But if the winter ends and summer is coming.
Snows are melting.
The snowman, the cold-sweet memories.
In sometime,
We shall meet again where love surprises, and that, love is really for us.

I created this poem a month ago and I thought I couldn't' relate to it, but now. Its hurtful to say this, but yes. I can.

"We could meet again somewhere,
Somewhere far away from here"

How could we meet again
if you have met someone?

"Lavenders Blue, Dilly Dilly
Lavenders Green, if I am king, you shall be queen."

How can you be my queen
if you found your king?.

Love hurts, home is where the heart is, but my home, has another heart that beats for another home. And I'm here, slowly being left out in the cold, I'm shivering. My feet is starting to get numb. My eyes are about to be frozen, and so is my heart. Once this heart is cold, it can never go back to its original state.

I decided to write the maids a letters that I hope they'll keep.

"Dear, Ms. Geneive.

I want to thank you for everything, even though we are not close. I am very thankful since you welcomed me when I was still working here. If I have the chance, I'll try to visit you once again, I promise you that, please take care of Ms. Lady Tremaine for me.

I love you, with all of my heart.

Love, Francette."

As I finish the last one, I shed a tear. I don't want to leave them, but I am afraid that I have to. I'm sorry if they think that I failed them, because I did.

Love really hurts, espicially if you love the person you really wanted to be with the most, but what is more painful is that you have to leave also your home, your home where your heart belongs.


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