Taylor Hears the News

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Kayla and Penelope sat beside each other while Zill and Orion sat across from them at the booth.

"They weirdest thing had happened while you were gone," Orion said as he was taking off his jacket,"most of the girls were telling their boyfriends that they were pregnant, the only ones who weren't were either gay or bisexual but was with a female panther it's was weird because--"

"I'm pregnant." Penelope said out of the blue.

Zill and Orion didn't even know what to say. Taylor walks over to the table wearing a black button up shirt, black dress pants, black dress shoes and a white waist apron with pockets. Zill did his best not to laugh.

"Nice apron." Zill said holding back a laugh.

"Did you borrow it from your mom?" Orion said holding back his laugh.

Taylor jut looked at them. A few seconds past and Zill and Orion were laughing and a grey fox told them to be quiet.

"I think it looks good on him." Penelope said then receiving a kiss on the cheek.

"So guys what can I get ya?" Taylor said pulling out a notepad and pen.

"Me and Kayla will have waters." Penelope said.

"I'll have a lemonade." Zill said.

"I'll take a soda." Orion said.

Taylor wrote all that down and walked away.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Kayla asked getting annoyed.

"When he comes back I'll tell Taylor." Penelope said crossing her arms.

A few minutes had pasted and Taylor came back with drinks on a tray.

"Sweetheart I need to tell you something." Penelope said nervously.

"Sure what is it?" Taylor asked looking at his notepad.

She looked over to see everyone giving her a signal to tell him.

"Well you see...the thing is I'm pregnant." She said and winced.

Taylor looked up from his notepad and turned toward to Penelope. He hugged her and kissed her. Taylor picked her up and began to spin. Everyone one in the restaurant was looking at them. He put her down and kissed her again.

"That's so wonderful to here!" Taylor said with a big smile on his face.

"You're not mad?" She said as Taylor pulled her into a hug.

"Why would I? You have told me the best news ever: that you're pregnant!" He said and a gave her a sweet loving kiss.

Everyone in the restaurant cheered with joy as Taylor hugged his girlfriend. They left the restaurant at nine o' clock. Zill drove them all back to the university so that they could get some sleep. Penelope felt like the world was lifted off her shoulders now that she told Taylor. She put on her pajamas and sat on her bed. Kayla had already fallen asleep. Penelope put her hand on her stomach and felt as if something was moving around in there.

"Good night little one," Penelope said to her stomach, "mommy loves you."

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