The Wedding's Ceremony

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(Pic is what Penelope wears on her wedding day. Hairstyle and everything. Shoes are white flats with roses as well athe bridesmaids.)

Penelope looked at herself in the mirror with Daphne, Kimberly, Kayla, Jamilla, Baltimore, Sahara and Vanex as her bridesmaids wearing mint green one shoulder dresses of various lengths. Penelope was four months pregnant and you could see a little bit on her stomach a bulging out.

"You look beautiful." Kimberly said as she adjusted her veil.

"I'm so nervous." Penelope said with a smile.

"It's normal to be nervous." Vanex said above a whisper.

"So are you gonna have your honeymoon a few moths after the baby's born?" Baltimore asked rubbing her 7 month pregnant belly.

Baltimore, Daphne and Jamille were a few months away from having their babies, while Kimberly, Vanex and Sahara are around the same time as Kayla and Penelope. Before she could answer Lenny opened the door.

"Girls the ceremony's about to start." Lenny said and gave his wife Jamille a kiss on the cheek.

"You look handsome." Jamille said with a smile.

"And you look beautiful." Lenny said kneeling down to kissed her large belly, Lenny was a tad bit taller than the love of his life.

Most of the girls were married at that time. Kimberly, Kayla and Vanex were the only ones engaged at the time.

"You ready?" Kayla asked giving her a smile.

"Yes and no." Penelope said.

Taylor watched as Penelope walked down the aisle. She looked absolutely stunning as she got closer and closer. She reached the podium and Taylor lifted her veil. The priest had clear his throat and began.

"Dearly beloveds, we are gathered her today to join these to in holy matrimony." The Priest spoke.

Taylor looked into her eyes and saw life. Her smile was like the sun in the morning: bright and beautiful.

"Do you Taylor take this woman to be you're lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health till death parts thee?" The priest asked.

"I do." Taylor said with a smile.

"And do you Penelope, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health to death parts thee?" The priest asked turning toward Penelope.

She began to bite on her lip, she was a little nervous at first. She looked over to see Taylor with eyes of worry and sadness. She turned toward the girls who were a bit worried about her. She let go of her lip and smiled.

"I do." Penelope said with a smile.

"Then by the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride." The priest said and closed his book.

Taylor took her in his arms and gave her a deep sweet soft passionate kiss. Penelope had never been kissed by Taylor ever like this before. The crowd cheered. Kimberly, Kayla and Lenny started to cry, the moment was so touching.

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