Coming Home.

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(Pic is Maxwell's nursery.)

Kimberly woke up early in the morning and went down stairs to make breakfast. She went into Maxwell's nursery to find that he wasn't even in his crib. Worrying about her little baby boy she went upstairs to Quintin.

"Quintin, Sweetie did you put Maxwell in the crib that we put Elizabeth in?" Kimberly asked coming up stairs to see her husband not in bed.

She went back down stairs into the living room and found Quintin sound asleep on the recliner with Maxwell sleeping on his lap and Elizabeth sleeping in the play crib. Kimbelry tiptoed away and came back with a camera and took a photo. She took her son and placed him in the little play crib and woke up her husband.

"I'm up. I'm up" Quintin said rubbing his eyes then gave his wife a sweet soft kiss.

"Penelope and Taylor are going to be here in an hour so we need to get Elizabeth dressed and get her stuff ready." Kimberly said.

They put Elizabeth in a grey sweater over top of a tan yellow dress, teal socks and teal shoes. She was a hoatzin like her father so she had to wear the same pattern and colors as her animal form along with every other shapeshifter in Safe Haven. Taylor's car pulled into the driveway and Penelope smiled.

"I missed her so much." Penelope squealed.

"It was nice not having her around for a week but it was too quiet and I really didn't like that. So it's going to be good seeing our little baby girl again." Taylor said.

They knocked on the door and Quintin answered it.

"Hey it's good to see that you're back." Quintin said hugging Penelope.

"Elizabeth look who's here." Kimberly said pointing at Taylor.

Her eyes light up and she pulled out her hands waiting for her someone to hold her. Penelope picked her up and she got a little fussy. Penelope was so confused with her squirming then she realized that she wanted Taylor.

"You want daddy?" Penelope asked touching her daughter's nose.

"Ah!" Elizabeth shouted.

"Taylor come here." Penelope said.

"Why?" Taylor asked.

"Elizabeth wants her daddy." Penelope said giving him a cute little smile.

Taylor walked over a held his daughter who was pushing his nose with her hand and being just all cute and giggly.

"You're a little daddy's girl aren't ya?" Taylor asked as he rubbed his nose into his daughter's cheek then kissed it which made her laugh.

Penelope was fastening Elizabeth in her car seat as Taylor put all of the stuff in the trunk of the car which was a 2014 black SUV.

"Again Kimberly thank you for watching over her while we were gone." Penelope said as Kimberly walked towards the truck holding Maxwell.

"Maxwell do you wanna say goodbye to Elizabeth?" Kimberly asked.

"Goo boo." Maxwell cooed.

"Awwww." Kimberly and Penelope said.

Penelope got in the SUV and Taylor drove out of the driveway and drove to their house which was only ten minutes away.

"Did you have fun Elizabeth." Penelope said in baby talk.

"Gaaah!" She shouted.

"Little cutie pie." Taylor said pulling into their driveway.

Penelope took Elizabeth out of the car seat and put her inside her room so she could take a little nap for the time being. Taylor took out all of Elizabeth stuff and Penelope got the bags from the honeymoon. After everything was put away were it was Taylor sat in the recliner and relaxed, he had fallen asleep. Penelope was in the kitchen humming a lullaby as she was brewing coffee for her and Taylor. She waked into the living room holding to red mugs. Penelope looked over at her husband, she sat on his lap, put her arms around his neck and started kissing him. He fluttered his eyes opened enough so that she couldn't his eyes open. He took his left hand went to grab something.

"Taylor!" Penelope slapped him and crossed her arms.

"What I can't help it, you have a cute, round, little and perfect bottom on you." Taylor said rubbing his cheek.

Penelope smiled and gave puppy dog eyes. Taylor knew he was weak so he tried to ignore them.

"Taylor I have a favor to ask you." Penelope said snuggling close to his chest.

Taylor had to give in if anyone knows have to get on his soft and kind side it's Penelope.

"What is it Baby?" He asked rubbing her back.

"Before we left for our honeymoon I had made plans with the girls. So I was wondering if you could watch Elizabeth for a few hours?" She asked batting her eyes.

"Sure is it tomorrow?" Taylor asked.

"Yes it is." Penelope said snuggling close to him.

"Then yes." Taylor said.

"Thank you so much sweetie?" Penelope said kissing him.

Taylor couldn't help but kiss his wife back. Penelope got off his lap and gave him one of the red coffee cups that they got as a wedding gift.

(A/N I'll try to make this story have a long series to it but I first need to finish a sequel to Bird Shapeshifter Love Story. Then I have to wrote a sequel for A Don's Cold Heart Become Warm. So in the mean time read some of my stories if possible and continue reading. Follow me if you haven't.)

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