The Baby Arrives

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( pic is the waiting room that all of Taylor and Penelope's friends and family our in.)

It was spring flowers were in bloom, birds were chirping, the bees were buzzing and TAYLOR WAS GOING TO BE A FATHER. He rushed into the hospital to see everyone in the waiting room, he rushed over to Kayla and Zill.

"What happened?" Taylor panted.

"Me and Penelope were over at the performance theater. She had to use the bathroom then she began yelling that her water broke." Kayla said.

He looked over to see Zill holding his daughter: Zoe. She was a red kangaroo like her mother, she had purple eyes, purple at the tips of her ears and green small wings like her father. He went over to the counter.

"Excuse me I'm looking for a Penelope Lopez." Taylor said sweetly and nervously.

"She's in room 305." The nurse said.

Taylor rushed over into the room and saw Penelope in the middle of a contraction. He rushed over and took her hand.

"Taylor where have you been?" She shouted.

"It's fine I'm here everything's going to be just fine." Taylor said in a calm voice.

Just then Dr. Tale came in and put on white rubber gloves.

"I can't take this anymore I want the baby out it hurts." Penelope cried.

"Don't worry we're going to deliver the baby now." Dr. Tale said as she smiled at them.

Everyone was in the waiting room with their babies. Baltimore and Vince had Peridot in a stroller. Lenny and Jamille had Gavin in a stroller. Kimberly and Quintin had their son: Maxwell in a stroller he had his skin tone was a little bit lighter than Quintin's, he had Kimberly's hair color and had his mothers eyes. Daphne and Orion had their son: Corbin in a stroller he had his mother hair color, his fathers skin tone and his mothers eyes. Sahara and Damian had their daughter: Cece in her stroller, she was a red jackal with black eye and magenta pupils, at the top of her head her hair was red than faded to magenta with black tips on the ears and tail. Spam and Vanex had their son: Oliver in his stroller, he was an orange fox with grey at the tail like his mom, and her eye color as well. A few other people decided to show along with their kids. Camilla volunteered to be the one to give birth Addison and Gustav's baby: Valentine she had Addison's hair color and skin tone, she had Camilla's pink eyes as well and a tail like Addison's but with a tip of red that matched Camilla's hair color she had been put in a stroller. Jack and Jill had their son: Jake who was a jackal but had his mothers fur color, his fathers curse and his eyes who was in his strollers. All of the babies were sleeping expect Zoe. Kayla rocked her to sleep, slowly and carefully put her sleeping baby in her stroller.

"Do you think Penelope will be alright?" Jill said putting a pacifier in her son's mouth carefully as he slept away.

Just then the heard a scream of pain. Which led to all of the babies giving out a little whimper the moms stopped their children from whimpering. Camilla rocked little Valentine in her hands to make her beautiful baby girl stop crying.

"Are we positive that's a baby she pushing out it could be a watermelon." Quintin said giving a bottle to Kimberly.

Everyone looked a him with confusion.

"What?" Sahara said looking at her brother.

"We were all at each other's child being born and I know for a fact that no one screamed as loud as her or not even close." Quintin stated.

In the hospital room Penelope was in tears and screaming as she pushed her baby out of her. Taylor was in a world of pain Penelope had squeezing his hand and felt like she was breaking it.

"You're doing great just keep pushing." Dr. Tale said.

Penelope pushed harder, she was soaking in sweat at this point. She let out another scream of pain.

"Taylor I'm going to kill you for this!" She shouted at her husband.

"You're doing great Sweetie." Taylor said and was on the brink of tears.

"I see a head," Dr. Tale shouted as she looked up to see Penelope and Taylor, "Penelope you can do this just a few more seconds."

Penelope gave the biggest push she could. Penelope had closed her eyes and winced in pain. She let go of Taylor's hand and opened her eye, they went wide-eyed when they heard the small sound of a baby crying. The couple looked over to see Dr. Tale holding a bloody baby in her hands.

"Congratulations, she's a healthy baby girl." Dr. Tale said.

"She's so little." Penelope said as tears ran down her face.

"It's official we're parents." Taylor said with tears of joy in his eyes.

"Penelope you get some rest, were going to take her and get her clean up. Taylor go tell your friends that the baby was born." Dr. Tale said as she placed the baby gently in a clear box so that she could be rolled away.

Taylor walked into the waiting room and everyone had looks of worry on their face.

"I have a daughter!" Taylor shouted with a smile.

Everyone cheered, they were so happy for them. A few hours pasted and Taylor walked back into the room to see Penelope holding a small bundle in a pink blanket. Taylor sat down right on the head of the bed and looked over to see his beautiful daughter. She had a skin tone a shade lighter than Taylor's, she had his hair color and the purple that was on side were little curls. Taylor had tears in his eyes, Penelope looked over and saw her husband crying and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. The baby opened her eyes for the first time she had Penelope's beautiful blue eyes.

"Hi little one," Penelope said softly,"we're your mommy and daddy and we're so glad to have you."

Taylor took a finger a gently stroked it across her cheek. The baby grabbed his finger and she then let go.

"You are a little something aren't ya." Taylor chuckled.

Penelope gave the baby to Taylor. He was a little nervous at first, the minute she was in his arms Taylor felt a warm sensation in his heart.

"Taylor you can pick the name." Penelope said.

"How about little Lizzie Evelyn Lopez?" Taylor asked.

"Let's go with 'Elizabeth' and let's see if she wants to be called 'Lizzie' or not." Penelope said.

"May we come in?" Kimberly asked opening the door a little.

"Yes." Taylor said.

She opened the door and Kayla, Baltimore, Jill, Jamille, Daphne, Sahara, Addison and Vanex came in and saw Elizabeth sleeping away in her father's arms.

"Dose she have a name yet?" Vanex said above a whisper.

"Elizabeth Anna Lopez." Penelope said.

"I guess we don't want our moms getting mad cause our baby's middle is one of their names and not the other's." Taylor said giving his daughter a kiss on her soft left cheek.

He looked down to see his little girl opened her eyes and smile at him. Taylor kissed her on the forehead as she feel asleep again.

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