The Recesption's Diaster.

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Everyone was dancing and having a wonderful time. Jamille and Lenny were dancing very slow, Quintin would not stopped talking to his fiancée Kimberly's belly which made her laugh, Damian was levitated off the ground and was snuggling his head against his wife Sahara, Kayla and Zill were on the dance floor having a wonderful time, Vanex and Spam were sitting at a table loving each other, Vince had wrapped his tail around Baltimore and slowly danced with her, Daphne and her husband Orion were sitting at their table laughing, kissing and hugging and Taylor slow dance with Penelope.

"You look beautiful." Taylor said.

"And you look handsome." Penelope said.

Taylor noticed than Penelope was a bit off-edge. She was looking around seeing how big the others girls pregnant stomachs were and began to cry.

"Penelope baby, sweetie what's wrong?" Taylor asked as she looked away from him.

"I'm scared." Penelope said as she cried in his chest.

"Of what?" Taylor asked confused.

"Of being a mom, what if I'm a terrible mother? What if I can't do anything right? What if the baby ends up hating me? What if--" Penelope had been interrupted by Taylor kissing her.

"You're gonna be fine so let's just keep dancing." Taylor said.

They continued to dance. Penelope's family all gave Taylor the 'hurt her and I'll cut your throat' look. Taylor's family was a bit gentler they were smiling giving Penelope a 'welcome to the family' look. The song had ended and they kissed.

"Whoooo!" Lenny shouted.

"Let's get this partay started!" Damian shouted.

Everyone turned to see Lenny and Damian standing on one of the tables drunk.

"Guys get down." Quintin said.

Damian levitated towards him and gave a seductive smile.

"Quintin I love you as much as I love your sister." Damian giggled.

Quintin went wide-eyed when Damian kissed him. Kimberly's face had turned bright red. He immediately pushed the red jackal off of him.

"Come on Lenny it's time to go home." Jamille said.

"You're not my mother and when did you get pregnant?" Lenny said then fell off the table.

Everyone gasped. Damian had his body wrapped around Sahara, he let go and levitated over to the table.

"Are you okay?" Damian said and began to wobble.

"Oopsy! I tripped!" Lenny giggled.

They all gave out groans. Lenny put his arm around Kimberly and smiled at her.

"Hey beautiful." Lenny said.

Quintin was really angry. Jamille knew that he would always do this when drunk.

"Quintin he's drunk." Jamille said.

"That doesn't give him the right to flirt and hit on my fiancée." Quintin said.

Quintin pulled Lenny's tail. He looked over to see him grabbing his tail.

"Can I help you?" Lenny asked as he wobbled.

"Get your hands off my fiancée." Quintin growled.

Lenny ran away screaming like a banshee.

"Run away! Run away!" Lenny screamed and ran into a wall.

Damian being as drunk as him followed and ran into the same wall. Jamille, Sahara, Taylor and Penelope faced palmed.

"Things can only get interesting from here." Quintin said.

Kimberly rubbed her stomach and gave him a kiss. Everyone continued to dance, talk, share a few stories and had fun. It was the final dance. Penelope loved dancing Taylor he never looked down at his feet, he was a great dancer and he seemed like he knew all the moves even though Taylor never did the Waltz in his life.

"I love you." Penelope smiled.

"I love you too." Taylor said.

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