Christmas Dinner.

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Taylor was really uncomfortable at the table. His father in law was staring him down like a hawk which was what he was.

"I remember the Great Avian War of Safe Haven!" Taylor's Grandfather Tony shouted.

Everyone looked at him confused. Taylor sunk in his seat a little bit at a time.

"Dad there was never a war like that." Marco said.

"Sure there was me and your Uncle Alejandro fought in it." Tony said.

"It believe it was between the flying birds and the non flying birds." Alejandro said waving his cane.

"Really?" Evelyn asked in concern.

Taylor got up from the table and walked away.

"Where are you going? Possibly walking out on my daughter in her time of need?" Drake said sinisterly.

"It's a little stuffy in here so I'm gonna go outside for a little bit, not abandoned my six-month pregnant wife." Taylor said.

"She pregnant I thought she was just fat!" Alejandro shouted.

Everyone gave him a 'are you kidding me' look. Penelope got up from the table and followed Taylor outside and saw him sitting on a porch swing without a jacket.

"Taylor it's dark and your going to catch a cold if you don't get back inside." Penelope said sitting beside him without her jacket as well.

"I can take care of myself when I'm sick but you can't in your condition, please got back inside before you catch a cold." Taylor said.

"What's wrong Sweetie?" Penelope asked sitting beside him.

"I don't know, maybe it's the fact that your parents are talking with my parents or that your father threatened me early and that the baby is surely making it's way into are lives. I'm just stressed out thats all." Taylor said looking up at the night sky.

"How come that when you say this stuff, I can't but my hands on you the way I want to." Penelope said.

Taylor smiled then pulled out a mistletoe from his pocket and held it above his head. Penelope rolled her eyes and kissed him.

"Merry Christmas." Penelope said.

"Merry Christmas Mi Amor." Taylor said kissing her.

Penelope broke to kiss and got up from the swing.

"My father threatened you?" Penelope asked as Taylor got off the swing.

"Yeah." Taylor said.

They walked back into the house and Penelope was furious. She walked into the dining room withe her arms crossed and her foot tapping. Drake looked up to see Penelope.

"So what were you to talking about?" Drake asked with a smile.

"You threatened my husband?" Penelope growled.

Everyone turned towards Drake while Taylor had a scared look on his face.

"Penelope maybe this isn't the time we don't want to put the baby in a stressful environment now do we?" Taylor asked nervously.

"You told my daughter that it threatened you?" Drake asked violently.

Taylor was ready to grabbed his car keys, Penelope and drive back to their house so that he could call the police. Taylor had never felt more terrified in his life. He was at the point were he would just run as fast as he could so that Drake would be able to catch him.

"Everybody we'll deal with this later but for now haw about we just sit down and eat dinner and after that we'll open some presents." Kiera said getting a little annoyed with the situation at hand.

Everyone sat down and continued eating. Taylor looked over at Penelope and smiled.

"I was right one of the most Christmases we will ever have." Taylor quietly muttered to himself.

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