Father-in-law Son-in-law Chat

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It was Christmas Day, Penelope and Taylor went over to Taylor's parents house. They arrived and smiled as the saw his parents: Marco and Kiera with smiling faces. Kiera walked over to the car and helped Penelope.

"Hi Kiera." Penelope said giving her a hug.

"Not spending Christmas with your parents?" Marco asked putting his son in a headlock.

"No dad, Penelope's parents are on a tropical vacation from what Penelope told me." Taylor said as they walked into his parents house.

"Surprise!" Penelope's parents: Evelyn and Drake shouted.

"Oh hello!" Taylor shouted surprised.

"Hello Taylor." Evelyn said giving her son-in-law a hug.

"So the family heard that you're having a girl." Drake said patting Taylor on the back.

"Wait 'the family' you said?" Taylor asked confused.

Penelope and Taylor walked into the living room and saw her family in there along with Taylor's family.

"Wow." Taylor said.

Taylor did not want any drama he just wanted it to be a small, simple Christmas dinner.

"Mom what about your vacation?" Penelope asked as Taylor's younger cousins, nieces and nephews started feeling her belly and screamed then giggled as the baby kicked.

"Well we just wanted to spend Christmas with you and Taylor's family. I called Kiera up and she loves the idea." Evelyn said hugging her daughter.

Taylor had of weird looked of disgust and disbelief combined. Penelope shrugged at him, the expression faded away when Drake patted him on the back hard.

"Listen can I talk with you?" Drake asked.

"Daddy are you going to start something?" Penelope asked raising an eyebrow with everyone looking.

"Dear, please not today." Evelyn said as she and Kiera were drinking coffee.

"I'm not I'm just going to have a little chat with him outside." Drake said patting him on the back.

"Yeah." Taylor agreed a bit unsure.

They stepped out side and Taylor let out a scream of pain.

"Now I know were Penelope gets the strength to punch so hard." Taylor said.

"Listen here and listen good." Drake said in a low intimidating voice.

Taylor went wide-eyes and was scared, he was pinned up against the wall. He nodded his head.

"I know you love my daughter and I love my baby girl. I'm happy that you're having a baby. But if I ever find out you upset my daughter in away way shape or form weather it's being home late or nothing at all and it effects your child. I will hunt you down and you'll wish you never met my baby. Do I make myself clear?" Drake said standing up.

Taylor nodded his head and Drake walked back inside.

"This is going to be the most interesting christmas dinner anyone has ever experienced." Taylor said sliding down the side of the wall.

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