The Nursery

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(Pic is the nursery that Taylor shows to Penelope.)

Taylor and had invited the bridesmaids and groomsmen to a little Christmas gathering since Christmas was only a week away. They all gathered at the new house Taylor bought a month ago. Everyone had fun, laughing and talking.

"Oh my goodness," Kimberly said looking at a photo with her husband,"she's beautiful."

Kimberly was looking at a photo of Baltimore and Vince's child: Peridot. She was an avian and had her mother's eyes, her hair was a black but had a grey like Vince's fur at the bangs.

"Yep she's our little pride and joy." Baltimore said as the picture was given back to her.

"Her cousin's a cute little tot as well." Taylor said holding a photo with Penelope.

Jamille and Lenny's child: Gavin. He was a grey coyote like his farther, he had his mothers eyes and at the end of his ears and tail he had brown like his mothers hair color.

"You know looking at these two baby photos you would never guess that their fathers are identical twin brothers." Damian said taking a sip of his coffee.

"Speaking of the word 'baby'," Quintin said nudging Taylor's elbow,"Taylor don't you have something to show Penelope?"

The guys gave Taylor a look. It took Taylor a minute cause he was a little confused.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot, everyone there is something I need to show you upstairs." Taylor said as he helped Penelope off the couch.

"Sweetheart I really don't want to go upstairs," Penelope said tiredly,"but I'll do it for you."

Once up stairs Taylor opened a door that was right beside their bedroom. Damian had covered Penelope's eyes and she slowly walked in. Once Damian removed his hands from her eyes, she put her hands over her mouth. She saw a nursery and it was beautiful, the colors, how the bright yellow and hot pink brought out the room, you could tell Penelope loved the room.

"You like it?" Taylor asked worried.

Penelope pulled him into a kiss and held him tight as tears started to fall from her eyes.

"I love it Taylor, I really do." She kissed him again.

They went back downstairs for another hour soon everyone had to leave. By midnight Taylor and Penelope were asleep in their new bedroom: cream walls, dark brown bedroom furniture and wooden bed frame, sky blue comforter and sheets. By one o' clock Penelope got up out of bed and walked into the nursery. She sat down in the chair beside the crib with the lights off she turned on the lamp. She rubbed her stomach as the baby kicked away. She let out a sigh of disappointment.

"Why so glum baby?" Taylor asked leaning against the door frame.

"I don't know." She sighed.

Taylor squatted down beside the chair and smiled.

"Is it the nursery?" Taylor asked getting up to sit on the arm of the chair and rubbing her back.

Penelope nodded her head and started to cry. Taylor was in shock that Penelope was crying over the nursery.

"Taylor I love the baby's room, but then when I look at this all of this it reminds me the closer we are to the birth and the more scared I am getting." Penelope said as tears fell from her face.

Taylor kissed with so much passion she went wide eyed. She tired pushing him off but he refused. He broke the kiss and smiled as he licked his upper lip.

"What was that for?" Penelope asked while blushing.

"To show you that I love you and that I find you still sexy." Taylor said kissing her on the cheek.

"You know I think that maybe we should have our honeymoon a few months after the baby's born and I'll give you a little reward. How dose that sound Sexy?" Penelope said seductively as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Babe." He repiled seductively back.

They kissed again with so much passion and lust things being to get a little heated. Taylor broke the kiss and pressed his forehead on her's.

"Let's go back to bed okay." Taylor said helping her out of the seat.

They got back into bed. Penelope started at the ceiling then slowly began to drift of to sleep.

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