Operation Tourist Trap

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[Meanwhile with the penguins]

Skipper: Operation Tourist Trap is a go.

Private: Oh, I like that one. That's a good one.

Kowalski: It works on many levels sir.

Skipper: You guys are a bunch of suck-ups.

Roberto: That, too.

Private: Absolutely.

Rico: Hai.

Skipper: Stations. Stage one. Go!

[Private comes out and gets hit the jeeep]

Tourist driver: Oh, no! What have I done?

Skipper: Come on, take the bait.

Woman: What happened?

Man: What's going on?

[The resf of ths tourists came out and starts taking pictures of Private fake corpse]

Woman 2: Oh, look at the poor little guy.

Man: Is it dead?

Skipper: Stage two! Go, go, go!

Tourist driver: I will give him the kiss of life.

Tourists: Ooh.

Skipper: Rico!

[Rico hotwires the engine while the tourist driver tries to save Private.]

Skipper: Rico! [Private flies sround liks a balloon and closes the hood then lands.] Reverse! [Kowalski shifts the shifter]. Gas! [Private hits the gas pedal on his back] Music! [Roberto inserts a cassete tape in the player]

[The music What a Feeling by One Direction begins]

Tourist driver: No! Stop! Stop! Stop! Come back!

Nana: What is all this rock'n'roll racket?! [Gets thrown out of the jeep smashing the winshield]

Private: Is she dead?

Skipper: No! [Drives the jeep forward to hit Nana again and reverse

Nana: You hoodlums!

Man: Good heavens! Are you OK?

Man 2: Lady, I found your pocketbook.

Nana: My handbag. Such a good boy. Nana can't survive without it.

Man 2: Wow. You are one tough cookie.

Nana: Brownies Troop 416, Yonkers.

Tourist driver: OK, nobody panic! The best thing we can do is stay together. We'll wait for another tourjeep. It may take hours, it's getting dark but...

Man 2: Where are you going?

Nana: I'm not staying here to be attacked by more animals. I'm too old to die.

Man 2: I don't know about you guys but I'm going with her. Old lady, wait up!

Tourist driver: Please! We need to stay.....together. Fine! We'll go that way!

Nana: Does anyone want a hard candy?

Tourists: Ooh!


Florrie: Easy now.

Zuba: Watch your step. And right here... OK, are you ready? This is where you always slept.

Alex: Oh, man! Wow. Was this mine?

Zuba: Look at you. Look at him.

Alex: Oh, this thing. Look, look! I remember this!

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