Fallout Australia part 1 Lily Jones

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As they watched the sunrise, they were getting ready for their journey to Mt. Kosciusko. Lily's father had built a bunker with his life savings of $100,000 trillion over 40 years, believing it would provide them with safety in any situation. Lily thought he was a genius. He secretly owned several reserve banks and had become very wealthy since the war started. Half of Australia was under his company F500 Corp, which was giving work back to human workers.

His engineers built a self-sufficient, Fail-safe 5-7 Category Prep system, and in cooperation with other British and Australian tech companies, he built the largest underground network of mines in the world. None of the Australian landscape was destroyed, and his company had planted more genetically modified flora/plant life than any other company. The facility was capable of housing 25 million people.

BIONimy was a group of advanced researchers in technology, genetics, geology, chemistry, and pseudo-science. They had been rejected by Vault Tech, Robco, Poseidon Energy, and Big MT Evan genetics labs like CHROMAX Genetics. However, 21 people across the world have found solutions, and some of their ideas have already been adopted by young researchers of the BIG MT experiments. These 21 individuals, by random coincidence, found Mr. Jones, who later employed them all as part of the team, working under Mt. Koziosco.

Lily's father had shown her the project when she was 17. Now, three years later, in 1997, the war had escalated to its worst point, and the H bomb, a more potent version of the atomic bomb, had been developed. However, only twelve were created for MAD. Despite this, Lily had complete faith that if the bombs fell, she and her family would survive, living a few kilometres away from the project, ensuring the continuity of Project Fallout.

She pulled the stick out after the 25th. 3F TCS/3000° High Carbon Steel 1500, Michene folded, she was the only one qualified to Weld the 25 3F26-1 specialisation Welding on the massive door.  Mentors to Fallout project.

Her father,  Jacob Jone,  said. "You need to oversee this last step in securing the door mechanism. I need to see one of my old friends at VT University Appalachia a long way from the outback. So I trust you will see it through and stay at the base until I come back. " he drew a little smile with his signature like he did when he was on long business trips.
She knew he would not travel to the USA if it was not important.

She just pulled her face shield down and got right to work. The cool temperature meant she had to cover this entire track in 20 min before the heat disappeared from the preheat treatment. Her first final finish was done, and the door looked magnificent, capable of withstanding a direct nuclear impact, according to the engineers at BiDynamic Fabrication and Engineering disciplines. She researched as much as any boilermaker. But this needed to be perfect and x-ray tested. Pressured, tested at depth and withstanding heat. Synthetic carbon and materials are synthesised by the smartest people at Farther's complex. The huge tower and makeshift town he built had grown to 50,000 people, and he was sending her to find those willing to work in the hydroponics and chemical extraction labs as assistants for the high researchers.

He believed that the best invention was the biggest preparation. "To conserve and preserve technology from all ages. His mentor told him that. Things change, and people need to change to preserve that piece of humanity that thrives amidst the violence and still retains the spark of innocence that maintains a moral, duty to do good but not at the cost of the soul. Ego should be, as selflessness thrives symbiotically to fear and pain. Not a product of"

She thought about that while she had seen the door close and seal behind her the tower and above a mountain 7,000 feet taller than her.

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