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Alexander sat in the leather chair opposite the desk of Naomi. She had since left the room, claiming that there was some quick business she needed to tend to before she could give him his next mission. Personally, he thought she was being unexceptionally slow, but who was he to question those above him.

The prestige cleanliness of the office brought some reassurance to him. It seemed as though this room was the most put-together place in Heaven, considering that God had long left them, and many angels were getting the idea of rebelling. That's exactly why he had become one of Naomi's top angels. He was always ready to do the bidding of the superiors. To fix his home, to help his family. To being peace back to Heaven. That's what he was working towards.

"Thank you for waiting, Alexander." Naomi expressed, walking back to her desk with a slick black folder in her grasp.

"What's my next order?" Alexander questioned eagerly, quite literally moving to the edge of his seat, hoping to get out on the field as soon as possible.

The woman across from him smiled as she rested her elbows on the desk in front of her. "I sense your eagerness, Alexander, and it fills me with joy. That's why I've chosen such an important task for you to complete. I must warn you, though, it won't be an easy one."

Alexander cracked a smile. "I'm sure I'll be able to handle it. I always do."

Naomi handed the black folder to the angel across from her, observing carefully as he opened it, leafing through its contents. His mouth opened slightly before he closed the folder, resting it on his lap.

"What kind of order is this?" Alexander questioned, his voice low and undoubtedly a little threatening.

The superior angel shook her head before folding her hands in front of her, "I told you it would be hard, and you said you could handle it. I hope you haven't lied?"

Alexander clenched his jaw, glaring at the folder before glaring at her. "You know how I feel about killing innocent people, Naomi. Especially considering they themselves have saved countless lives, returned countless monsters to their pits."

"They are not innocent, and it doesn't matter how many lives they've saved or how many monsters they've killed. They are a threat to us, our home, and our family. They were the ones who took your favorite brother away. They're the ones who corrupted him." Naomi snapped back.

Alexander took his bottom lip between his teeth. "You told me Castiel was excelled. Why do you lie to me, Naomi? Have I not done your bidding plentifully?"

"You have, Alexander. But being an angel is about having faith, so please have faith in me. Complete this task, and the reward will be plentiful. Not to mention, you'll be able to spend time on Earth. You love Earth."

The male angel hated that her argument was better than his, and it became enough to convince him to do it. Maybe, just maybe, he could even save these souls before he had to take them away.

"Okay -" Alexander held out his hand, grace tingling at his fingertips, "-I'll do it." Naomi took his hand, the grace flowing between the two, giving him a slight push towards his goal. He could do this. Right?

"Good. Just remember, at any time, I can bring you back here. I have eyes on you at all times. That means behave." Naomi warned, standing up and flattening the wrinkles in her skirt.

Alexander stood up, giving her a small neck bow before teleporting out of the room with only a flutter of his wings.

°•■•°𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖇𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝕲𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖊°•■•°

Lebanon, Kansas, wasn't quite what Alexander expected. It was so flat compared to some of the states North, East, and West of it. He would have much rather preferred a mission somewhere with pretty mountains.

𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖇𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝕲𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖊 | SupernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now