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Castiel sat across from Dean and Sam at one of the tables in the library. Alexander was sitting on a chair nestled in the corner, leafing through a book he found on the bookshelf next to him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Cas? We can't just let some random ass angel in!" Dean snapped at him, glaring daggers at the angel from across the table.

"Dean, I understand your intimidation, but Alexander means no harm." Castiel was lying through his teeth, and he hated it, but he had to protect his brother. "He only needs a few days here, a few days of safety while we figure out some issues."

A tense silent hung in the air, Alexander's eyes flicking up and around to observe each person at the table.

"You're positive he's no threat?" Sam questioned, his expression much calmer than his brothers.

"I've known him since the dawn of time. We've watched empires rise and fall together. He's saved me countless times, and I him." Castiel assured, finally feeling a little reassurance at the fact that none of that was a lie.

Sam and Dean shared a glance, the younger hunter nodding.

"Okay." Dean folded his hands in front of him on the table. "But if he tries anything-" "He won't."

Alexander felt a small smile form on his lips, but it quickly fell as a pang of guilt hit him. It was obvious that these were Castiel's people, and he knew that he would struggle greatly with the loss. The golden-eyed angel could only hope that he would be able to handle it.

"Well- uh- those vamps really bit our asses, so I think I'm gonna call it early," Sam said, stretching his back as he yawned, "Dean?"

"Yeah- you two be good, alright? No girls." Dean joked, Alexander tilting his head in confusion at both the hunter's statement and his brothers dry laugh.

Once the brothers were both out of the room, Castiel turned the chair to face towards his brother.

"We have to find a way to keep Naomi away from you."

Alexander took a deep breath. "What if- what if we killed her? I mean, she'll only come to Earth in my vessel, she's smart, but the sacrifice will be worth it."

Castiel stood up adruptedly, causing his brother to flinch. "No. We are not sacrificing you. I refuse to let you get hurt."

"Castiel, I appreciate your concern, but if it comes down to it, there will be no other choice. It is a small sacrifice now that I understand that these people are yours. I haven't the right to take them from you." Alexander replied, once again feeling guilty for even agreeing to this.

The brunette angel held a sorrowed look on his face. Why did his brother have to be so obedient?

"Should we let your Winchesters in on the situation?" Alexander questioned, Castiel immediately shaking his head.

"I'm afraid they won't be pleased with knowing that Naomi has a gateway into the Bunker. Not to mention, it might also put the boys in even more danger. They aren't exactly good at making friends."

"I noticed." Alexander mumbled.

Castiel frowned. "I'm sure they'll warm up to you. I don't believe Dean liked me in the beginning, and now-"

Alexander furrowed his brows. "And now what? Castiel, have you- have you committed forbidden grace?"

Silence fell between them, neither of them daring to speak as they already had the answers they needed.

"I'm going to- erm- take a walk."

"Castiel, you haven't a reason to hide yourself from me. I'll try to keep it from Naomi, as well as the rest of this conversation," Alexander assured, the other angel nodding before turning away and walking out of the library.

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Alexander wasn't sure how long he sat and thought, but soon enough, Sam Winchester was walking into the library.

The hunter jumped at the sight of the angel still sitting on the chair.

"Oh- Hey Alexander. You- you stay here all night?" Sam questioned, leaning against the table.

The angel nodded, feeling slightly surprised that he had, in fact, stayed there all night.

"Where are you going?" He questioned, gesturing to all the clothes the Winchester was wearing.

"Just a morning jog. Helps clear my head and keep my stamina."

The two went quiet, the soft buzz of a machine running coming from the other room.

"You're- you're welcome to join me. Y'know, only if you want." Sam stumbled, not quite sure why he was having so much trouble inviting him.

Alexander smiled. "I'd love to, Sam."

"Good, good. I'm just gonna get a quick drink, then we can go."

Although he would never admit it, Sam was internally freaking out. Not only because he was concerned he wouldn't do well enough for the angel, but also because that particular angel was, in simple words, hot.

As he filled up his water bottle in the kitchen, Alexander came up behind him, standing a little too close.

"Question," Sam started, deciding against turning to look directly at the angel, "Do you have big wings? Like Cas?"

Alexander tilted his head slightly, biting his lip. "I do. But Castiel's wings are a different color than mine."

"Really? What color are they?" Sam asked, trying to suppress his eagerness.

The angel's eyes fell to the waterbottle sitting on the counter in front of them before he pointed to the brand label, which had flecks of gold on it.

Sma finally looked back at him. "They're golden? Like your eyes?" "Exactly like my eyes."

"I don't suppose you'll let me see them?" Sam questioned.

"Maybe one day. Now, let's go."

Suddenly, the Bunker around Alexander disappeared, and he found himself in the black chair in Naomi's office.

"What are you doing?" Naomi growled, glaring daggers at him.

Alexander scoffed. "What is wrong with you? You lie, Naomi, and you deceive."

"What are you trying to say to me, Alexander? That I have mistreated you? Do you not trust me?" Naomi said, tilting her head with a fake look of sincerity.

The red-haired angel shook his head, a look of disbelief crossing his face. He wasn't exactly sure how to respond, but this was not the moment to falter.

"You have not mistreated me, but you've lied to me. Castiel was not exciled. He left himself. My trust in you has just, well, it has been dampered." Alexander replied.

Naomi stood up, rounding the desk and leaning on it in front of the other angel.

"Continue to have trust in me, and nothing bad will happen. But, you know the rules. If I find even a shred of feeling for the Winchester boys, there will be great consequences. Don't doubt my abilities, Alexander."

The angel took a sharp intake of breath as he was teleported back to the Bunker.

Sam tilted his head, looking at the angel with eyes full of concern. "You okay?"

"Yeah- I apologize. Just remembered something I need to do later." Alexander replied, feeling guilty that it wasn't really a lie.

The hunter nodded, still feeling worried for him.

𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖇𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝕲𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖊 | SupernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now