The Window (9/3/24)

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I see the children out the window
The glass is fogged up with faded dreams
But I still see, faintly
If I really try
They laugh and play
Two girls rolling in fresh cut grass
Hand claps, little songs, pinky promises
Hide and seek, Tig, games of our own
Vows forgotten, words faded in the fog
Daisies plucked from nurtured soil
The end of the playground always was a blur
But now I can see it clearer than ever
It's the room I'm in now
Grey walls, thoughts scribbled on the ground
Empty to me, but filled with useless things
A photo falls beside my feet
I pick it up and see the girls
The girls from out the window
They are no longer out the window
They must have run off, holding hands in the sunset
I didn't realise when they left
I wonder still where they went
I wonder still if they hold hands now
Vivid greens, red and white checks
The photo: a clearer window than in the wall
But windows only show so much
Of the bigger picture
Of the world beyond
I wonder still where they went
I wonder still if they hold hands now
They are no longer out the window
They must have run off, holding hands in the sunset
I didn't realise when they left
Maybe I should have watched closer
Maybe I should have not watched at all
Maybe the girls should have held on tighter
I didn't realise when they left
But that doesn't matter, does it?
Either way, they are gone
Maybe the girls should have held on tighter

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