Our Time (27/4/24)

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Faces smile, frozen in place,
Trapped in a time long passed,
For Life can never cease Her pace,
So constantly seems too fast,
Strong winds still shake trees
And weak bones still collapse,
Always remain the ways like these
As history does relapse,
And in the ground old seeds disperse,
And birth their sprightly sprouts,
And on lives the world, and love, and verse
And questions, dreams, and doubts,
For time does test the threads of thought
And tightens our heart's knot,
Because when sun shrinks into night
All will be forgot.
So plant your seeds and smile once more,
This day is not the last,
We are not trapped; find joy in this moor
Before our time's long passed.
And still we sleep, and still we dream
Of great things to become
And still we laugh, and still we gleam
Before the knot's undone.

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