In Loving Memory (14/4/24)

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"In loving memory of..." the gravestone says
I can't read the rest
It makes me wonder if the words ring true
The body beneath the ground
Is loved more by the flowers and bugs
Than any mind who knew
The rest of what the gravestone read
I wonder if the dead still exist somewhere
Or if their soul only lives on in our hearts
And I wonder if this soul lives on too
Forget-me-nots are sprouting beside the grave
But most of them are dying too
Pale sky blue fades to an endless night
Withered leaves shrivel where they once shone bright
One of those flowers is still thriving there
Through grass and moss I can see it
Peeking out from its hiding spot
I like to imagine this soul lives on in a heart
I like to imagine this flower is proof
Of an unbroken promise
Of eternity beyond death
Of beginnings and ends and everything between
Of dreams and roses and twin skeletons
I just wish the world knew too
The secret that they shared
And maybe we could remember this person too
And hold them in our hearts so they live on
But I still wonder if the words even ring true
"In loving memory of..." the gravestone says
I can't read the rest

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