Strolling Through Life (25/4/24)

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On my morning stroll
I saw a car
Parked up ahead
I think everyone goes on a stroll
A little bit like this
It's just something we do
Unless we can't bear
To put one foot in front of the other...
I saw this car
Parked up ahead
I knew I'd reach it soon
The sky was a painting
The trees were emeralds
And suddenly the car was right before me
I guess I wasn't paying attention
But what scared me the most
Was not the car itself
But how fast I reached it
And I got so lost in these thoughts
That when I looked back again
The car was gone
It must have driven off when I was distracted
By the beauty of existence
And nothing stood in my path
The sun was not obscured
And no longer too blinding to look at
It bathed the world in cleansing warmth
And marked my destination...
I guess all this time
I'd feared the car
And the constant pace of my steps
Always stepping, never stopping
It reached one side of the path to the other
And was so huge and cast long shadows
Across my heart
And all this time
I had been anticipating the struggle
The climb
The clawing through to victory
But when I got there
It wasn't so bad
If I came prepared, I'd be ready
And I'd be able to get past
And there wasn't really
Anything very scary at all
When I got there
Things look different from far away
So can we see the truth without spectacles?
At the end of the day
It was just a car
And it easily drove away
Everyone passes this car someday

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