Writers Will (13/4/24)

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Swords slash through silence.
Blades of inky black
Slicing through the world of white
That shows my mind is blank.

Doors open. Through it
I can see a world of dreams
And nightmares brought to life,
Portals torn in the world's seams.

I slide down my tunnel.
Do I leap to find my sanity
And keep it safe? Or do I
Escape the prison of reality?

In my mind they are living,
Those lost souls who never had a chance.
But I think and I convey
Their stories, lives and romance.

This is the path.
I refuse to remain a servant to invisible gods,
So I may become the god of my own world
Never wondering "what are the odds?"

Quod hoc: cogito ergo sum,
Et facio, in aeternum

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