Opposites (13/4/23)

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I think about opposites often
And how sometimes differences blend together undeniably until they just become the same
Like black and white
Dark and light
On opposite sides of the spectrum, never meeting
But both blinding

I think about differences sometimes
And how often opposites merge together and somehow both can make sense at once
Or maybe they make no sense at all
I guess that's my point
Like when the water from the tap is so hot it's cold
And even pure chaos is vaguely controlled
Like how words from the start of this verse were just the first swapped around
But they still mean the same thing

I think about people occasionally
And how we all play our part, roles assigned from birth that we will play one day when we take the stage
Contrasting personas, clashing thoughts
One plays crosses, another plays noughts
Opposite souls, different colours
But we're all just a part of the same rainbow
We are all just the same since it all began

All opposites are quite similar.

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