You Ask Me Why I Write (27/4/24)

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You ask me why I write.

Days vanish in seconds
Memories fade after death
Nothing remains that now is here
Even the strangest thoughts most clear
I see them now, I hear their screams
Those subtle signals in all my dreams
They beg to appear, to let others hear
And not to fade, they scream their fear
All is building, all is there
I have to show the ones who care
They pressure me, those memories
That sink below forgotten seas
All is building, all is there
I have to show the ones who care
And you ask me why I write.

Thoughts swirl in my mind
They are never quiet, they are never silent
They blend together into shapes
Silent voices with one escape
Oxymorons, imagery
Motifs, metaphors in poetry
Just a passion to pass the time
"Write them quick, make sure they rhyme!"
Words and lines devoid of thought
Picking apart the verse we're taught
Dried out language, juiced of life
A modern issue, this is strife
Finding only similes
No wonder they all hate poetry
Emotion forgotten, beauty lost
All is cold, sealed in frost
How can they appreciate
The poetry that we create?
Will they ever look beyond?
Will they feel the heartfelt bond?
Has it now become a lost cause?
Can we prove how language roars?
And you ask me why I write.

Expression is submerged in maths
Cold calculations, pointless tasks
What do all these numbers mean?
They can't be deeper than they seem
But words, yes words, are all we have
To fight against the world that laughs
In blindness of my hopeful chants
Happy in their ignorance
I see their eyes, they don't believe
But do our minds and hearts deceive
When all this conflict swirls around
And hearts are touched by such a sound
As poetry in its purest form
I will perform, it will transform
Your minds, your thoughts, for words distort
The way we think, the way we feel
And though to you it may not appeal
These words can prove our lives are real
That we are real, so long as we feel
Poetry can hurt and it can heal
But most importantly not yield
I'll use my verse as sword and shield
To win the war just now revealed
We're losing creativity
So fight the negativity
And only then can we be free
Of misunderstood hostility
Show them power, this late hour
Is not too late to grow the flower
Of literature and all types of writing
Even this poem that I'm reciting
How exciting to be uniting
To save all writers from maths' harsh biting
That cuts away at all emotion
Show a sign of your devotion
We will proceed, we can succeed
And show the world what we all need
That life exists and thoughts persist
Against all odds, they still insist
That poetry is bland and weak
They can't experience what we speak
So in my words I learn to thrive
And I will never cease to strive
To plunge, to leap, to dare, to dive
And show them all I am alive
That we are all alive today
And that's all there is I want to say
That we are all alive today
I think, I know, I feel today
I know you too can feel this way
That we are all alive today

Don't ask me why I write.

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