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249 Shortening the time in school

She had prepared it a long time ago and had asked the aunt next door to help her get it from her room a few days ago.

since it was a visiting ceremony, the herbs she prepared were naturally not ordinary herbs. there were two ginsengs, one of which was a hundred-year-old ginseng, which she had spent some effort to buy and personally prepare.

professor chen had already learned from professor li that shi yan had good skills in processing medicinal herbs, so he was not surprised. he took it and said, ” “you child, you’re already here, what gift did you bring?”

“Have a seat and talk to professor li for a while. I’ll go to the kitchen and cook two more dishes. If I had known you were coming, I would have bought some delicious food and waited for you. I was in a hurry today, so I just ate a little. You can come and try my cooking another day.”

“it’s me who came here without warning.”

don’t say such things. Professor li doesn’t say it, but in his heart, he sees you as his disciple and daughter. Just treat it as if you’re home.

Shi Yan naturally understood. She smiled and said,”I’ll go to the kitchen to help you.”

“no need, no need. go play chess with professor li and talk to him. i’ll be done soon.”

professor li closed the door and walked over. he snorted at her. “I know you’re good at cooking. Don’t show off. You’ll have the chance to cook in the future. let’s go, play chess with me. ”

The chessboard was in the living room, and the two of them played chess there.

“i heard that you’ve caused quite a stir since the start of the semester?”

“you’re still concerned about this?” shi yan placed a chess piece on the board and said with a smile.

“hmph, do you think i’m old and can’t play with smartphones or go online? Don’t underestimate me!”

in fact, professor li did not like to surf the internet. he preferred to read books and do research.

The reason why he knew about the discussion about Shi Yan on the campus forum was that he had accidentally overheard a few graduate students talking about a classical beauty who had come to their college. They had mentioned Shi Yan’s name and he had come over to take a look.

When he went over to take a look, a few students who were still discussing excitedly were shocked. In their eyes, professor li was the representative of old-fashioned scholars, and he hated students who did not do their jobs.

“one doesn’t come without a reason. tell me, why did you come to find me?”

“can’t he be here to visit you?” shi yan smiled.

“i believe you’re here to visit me, but do you think you can hide your thoughts from me? If you didn’t have something on, why did you wait until the weekend to come over? why are you in such a hurry?”

“Your eyes are like a torch.”

“Of course. Don’t you see how old I am? I’ve walked more bridges than you have. Don’t beat around the bush, if you have something to say, say it. ”

“you’re still young.”

“Stop your flowery words!”

As he spoke, he looked at the chessboard and pointed to a certain position on the board. “it’s your turn, down here!”

Shi Yan naturally didn’t listen to him and placed a stone elsewhere.

The situation instantly became tense.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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