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I got up from my seat a few minutes later and walked up to the first class bathroom. The lever on the door said 'occupied'.

I knocked softly and the door opened up quickly to yank me inside so Lauren could lock the door behind me.

"You ready to join the mile high club?" Her brow raised as she picked me up to sit me on the sink.

Her lips met mine and as she trailed her lips down my flesh, she wasted no time unbuttoning my pants with one hand.

"Lauren, please." I begged her. "You've been fucking me a lot lately. Can't we just wait until we're at your house?"

Her lips detatched from my neck and she pursed her lips, "Are you serious right now?" I just kept quiet. "You do realize that once my parents find out you and I are together they probably won't let me near you."

My eyes widened because I didn't realize that at all, "Well then why the hell are we doing this?"

Lauren shrugged and grabbed my hands to stand in front of me, "Because I love you. I want them to learn to love you."

"They've hated me ever since X-factor." I responded calmly.

"No, they haven't. They just didn't understand yours, mine, and Camila's relationship. They never will. I just want them to know about how you made me get better." Lauren explained in some soft words. "Although I'm hoping they won't freak out as bad as I think they will."

"You're honestly not helping me right now."

She smiled and picked me up by my hips to help me off of the sink, "Come on. Let's go back out there."

I could tell that Lauren was worried about how this would all get out.

She's honestly gotten so tired of the relationship rumors that fans had started but she's learned to not give a fuck and just embrace love.

The only fuck she's really got right now is for her family. They really know how to push her buttons sometimes.

I'm just hoping they don't push her buttons so hard that she starts to take it out
on Camila and I again.


As we exited the gate, both of the girls families were waiting outside for them.

I watched as they all ran towards each other but I walked slowly behind them.

None of their parents liked me. They believe Im a leech to the girls but I keep myself out of it. Only because if I tell them to fuck off, Camila and Lauren will get in trouble.

As they were welcomed by their lovely families, I began trekking away from them to find the nearest bench that I could sit at.

Ever since the whole kidnapping thing, my anxiety has gotten worse. So, my nerves about this whole 'coming out to the families' thing has really started to take a toll on me.

I pulled out my phone and decided to text Lacy to cool my nerves.

Since getting back to normal, Lacy and I have became friends again. The last time we fought before he accident was the dumbest argument we've ever had. It was not worth ruining such a strong relationship with each other.

Lacy and I met before I auditioned in X-Factor when my mother moved me to a new school. She was my assigned lab partner and we had been friends ever since. Although, she despises the girls just as much as their parents despise me. I've just never figured out the real reason why she hates them so much or why they hate her.

Y/N: lace, I wish you could've came back to Miami w me

Lacy: I'd rather not come back to town for the reason that my family is there and your gfs are there

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