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"What am I doing here?" I answered back angrily. "WHAT AM I DOING HERE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING?"

Lauren pulled herself away from the girl to head towards the ladder and pull herself up, "Y/N, I promise. I can explain, but how did you even find me?"

"It doesn't fucking matter, Lauren. I saw them. The messages you were sending to your little side ho. Well, at least the ones you hadn't deleted yet." I spewed at her, feeling nothing but complete and utter disgust towards the taller Cuban. "Did you think we wouldn't find out?"


"Camila. It's okay!" I yelled out. I didn't bother turning around because Lauren's reaction said it all. "Yes, 'we'."

Lauren's body was dripping so she walked over to grab a towel sitting on the concrete cement. "Can you two just let me explain?"

"Explain what?" The other girl said, emerging from the pool in a tight two piece bikini. A septum ring hung from her nose. She pushed back her hair and scowled in the direction of Cam and I as she crossed her arms. "Go ahead and tell her what you just finished telling me after you fucked me on the kitchen counter, Lauren."

"Stay out of this." She warned the girl.

"She said she's tired of the both of you. All the drama and the headaches. The constant feeling that she has to take care of you like you're fucking children. You're burdens."

"That's enough." She growled.

"You're fucking disgraces."

"I SAID THATS ENOUGH." She screamed, stopping the other woman cold in her tracks. She clenched her jaw muscles and looked at me with glazed green eyes. "Y/N, please-"

"So, that's how you feel. You said it wasn't a big deal when I got hurt. And that you'd never leave me or us."

"I just -"

"We're through." I gritted through my teeth that were clenched against each other. "Have fun with 'Nose Ring', Green Eyes." I turned on my heel and began stomping away towards Camila who was stuck in her spot, staring only at Lauren. I tried to grab her but it was like he was cemented there.

Lauren followed me to step in front of Camila, "Baby, please. You gotta hear me out."

Camila licked over her lips and sniffled harshly, "You can also tell the girls that they can expect my resignation very soon."

Lauren begged, feeling her emotions start to take over. "Camila, don't do this."

"Goodbye, Lauren." Camila cried, turning around to grab my hand and let me lead her to the car.

Lauren didn't give up. She started chasing us out to the Escalade. I pulled Camila's door open and pressed down the lock so when I closed it, there's no way Lauren could get in. "Just drive me home and I can explain it there, guys. Please. Just give me a chance."

I hurried over to my door and got in.

"I need a chance!" She insisted.

I stood up on the floor of the car and held myself up by the roof. "You've lost all your chances. Between beating us and cheating, there's nothing left. Don't look for us, Lauren. We've warned you." I sat down in my seat and closed the door before sticking the key in the ignition and turning it on.

Reflection: The SequelWhere stories live. Discover now