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I woke up in a daze, slowly remembering the events of last night while staring at the beige painted walls of the hotel. My eyes burned and head was pounding. Telling me to rest longer, but I couldn't.
Once I sat up, I noticed the red head who was hogging the sheets for the bed. I slipped myself out of the bed carefully. When my feet, still in shoes, were placed onto the ground I looked in the nearby mirror to notice how disheveled I was.

I tip toed out of the room to ensure that I didn't wake the sleeping girl. As I got to the front of the suite, Naomi was walking towards the room her and Emily shared. Her brow was raised at me, "Sneaking off already?"

"Technically I'm not sneaking out. I just wanted to get out of the room before I woke up your girlfriend." I smiled politely.

"I called a hackney for you. It should be here in five. I was just coming up to wake the both of you. I let you sleep in. You both seemed exhausted. I could barely wake Emily up and I didn't really want to try the things I do to wake her up on you just yet." She laughed, and continued to explain. "The gang should be back soon. They went for breakfast, but I wasn't hungry."

"I'm not too starved either. Honestly, I think I'm still a little high." The dizziness in my head continued until I reached up to rub my temples. It was somewhat reliving the side effects.

"Was that your first time?" She seemed shocked and I nodded. "Wow, well props to you for not getting overwhelmed." Suddenly she cursed to herself. "Oh fuck. Ems phone. Let me wake her up before you go." Naomi walked by putting her hand on my shoulder.

I took a seat on the couch that was facing a medium sized tv and the door out. I was actually quite impressed with the hotel they decided to stay in to party. Somewhat fancy, but still a little dirty enough to remind you it's a hotel suite.

Emily walked into the room with pajama pants and a bra covering her pale body. She rubbed her eyes with her hand and held out the phone, "I'm sorry you had to leave so early. But you can call us whenever. Just press Noam's name and we will be there."

"It's not early, Em. It's one in the afternoon." Naomi corrected the smaller girl.

"Whatevs." Emily walked over to me and after I retrieved the phone, pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear. "Please don't be a stranger." I slightly nodded and she kissed my cheek before pushing herself away from me. When she got up, she turned back towards the bedroom and I could hear her collapse on the bed from where I sat. I honestly wish I could sleep a little more, but my mind is too chaotic to stay here any longer.

I couldn't believe I had got myself into another polyamorous mess. I knew I needed to get myself alone. I got up from the couch and Naomi could tell I wasn't okay, and stepped in front
of me. Her hand reached out for mine which was hanging by my side. I felt really defeated and exhausted between the jet lag and drug experiment. "Do you need anything before you go?"

I shook my head, "Nothing I can think of right now."

She kissed my other cheek and walked me to the door, "I'm a call away if you need me. Anything at all. We are going to be in town for two more days. I'd love to be of service and I know Ems would be, too." Naomi giggled as she opened the door to let me out into the huge hallway.

"You two are phenomenal. Thank you for being so sweet to me and letting me hang out with your friends. I'll be sure to message you when I get to the hotel." I told her as I walked away and the door closed behind me.


The high began to wear off on the ride back to my room. I kept bobbing my head trying to stay awake, but the calming feeling of riding at twenty miles an hour through morning traffic was soothing.

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