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We finally made it to Mike and Clara's after a long awkward ride of me sitting between Lauren and Taylor.

Lauren and I walked to the back and I tried to reach for my luggage but as soon as I did Laur swatted my hand.

"Ow." I complained, pulling my hand back. "What's that for?"

"I'm not letting you carry these. They're too heavy."

"I can do it." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Hey!" She scolded, "I'm just trying to help you out. The doctor said to take it easy even though you're doing better."

"Whatever." I was annoyed. I mean, it's just a suitcase.

Her hand gripped my arm to pull me back before I could walk away angrily, "Do not start acting like this. I'm not saying you're incapable. I just want to help."

"I get it, alright. That's not the reason I'm like this." I yanked my arm away from her harsh grip.

"Then what's wrong?" She yelled in a whisper.

Taylor came around the side of the car almost as if she was waiting on me to snitch, "Can I help you guys with your stuff?" Her fake-ness was unbelievable.

"Thanks, Tay." Lauren smiled as she watched her sister pull my suitcase out.

"No problem." She smiled, roughly slamming it on the ground. Lauren grabbed her sister and pulled her close as they walked into the house, leaving me behind to shut the trunk of the SUV.

I slowly trekked into the familiar home where I technically knew I wasn't really welcomed.

"I think we're gonna go get settled in really quick." Lauren spoke to her parents from the staircase as soon as she saw me walk in.

"That's fine." Clara faked a smile. "How about we all go out to eat in two hours?"

Lauren nodded and grabbed my hand to pull me up stairs and into her room.

I loved this room because it was the exact essence of Lauren. Dark purple paint on the walls, rock posters plastered here and there, her softball bat in the corner beside a desk with a lot of books stacked on top.

Our luggage was already pulled upstairs and I was more than ready to just lay out on her bed and never get up. I hated visiting the families because I was always put in the middle of all the drama.

When I was younger and my mom and I lived in the car, Lauren found out and would always sneak out to go to the park with me and let me do my homework with her on the grass. Well, one time, my Mom had drove off all night without telling me. I spent about an hour on a park bench until Lauren came and found me. She forced me to sneak back into her house with her. The only problem was the fact that she already knew her parents didn't like me or my Mother. Apparently, they thought I was unkempt to even be friends with her and didn't see how I made it so far as a solo artist and believed Lauren deserved that spot. Or so I over heard after they caught us in her bed, cuddled next to each other. Ever since then, it's been one dramatic moment after another.

Lauren looked over all of her things on the shelves as a way to discover all the things she's left behind for her career.

I laid in the bed and watched as she sat on the floor and pulled out all of her vinyls from a cubbie underneath her record player.

She shuffled through until she found her Beatles White Album and slipped it out of its casing to softly sit it onto the player so the needle could be placed on it perfectly.

She sat there for a moment to listen and look over the back of the album. I let the beautiful music fill my ears as I watched over my girlfriend who seemed so calm and comfortable in her own home. It was nice to see that change in her.

I finally decided to just lay on my back at look at her ceiling to try and allow my body to relax. Although, what good would that do me? I'm never relaxed in Miami. I never will be.

I felt Lauren crawl onto the bed as her weight dipped down one side slightly.

She pulled me close and laid her head on my chest while her hand rested on my stomach, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I lied.

"Don't bullshit me, babe. I wanna know."

I sighed out and put my hand on top of hers to just let my mind speak for a moment, "Your parents already don't like me. What are they going to do when they find out-"

"That I'm gay?"

"That you're dating me." I finished my sentence.

Lauren looked up at me and flicked her green eyes over my worried face, "They should support who I'm with."

"No one supports us except you, Camila, and I." I admitted honestly.

"Ally, Dinah, and Normani do."

"For now." I smiled as if everything was alright but it wasn't. I was extremely worried.

Lauren's hand moved up to caress my cheek as she looked into my eyes, "Everything will be alright. Just let me take care of everything and we can worry about the mess later."

I nodded and felt her lips slightly press against mine before locking completely.

A knock on the door caused Lauren to pull away but still keep herself attached to me, "Yeah?"

"Can I come in to talk?" Taylor said from the other side of the door.

Lauren groaned and kissed my neck before answering and sitting up, "Come in."

I kept my back to the door. I didn't want to give her my attention because she didn't deserve it. And she already pretends I don't exist anyways.

"Oh. Was I interrupting anything?" She asked in a friendly voice.

"Kind of but its okay. What do you need?" Lauren asked nicely.

"Oh, I was just wondering if you want to come to the beach with me tomorrow. Just us." The last two words were kind of harsh but I'm sure Lauren didn't realize it.

"Um, I'd love to but Camz invited Y/N and I to a barbecue. Maybe Wednesday?" Lauren hopefully suggested.

A long sigh expelled from Lauren, "Yeah, whatever. You wanna come visit or are you gonna stay here?"

"Can you give me a little bit, Tay?"

Taylor didn't reply. She just walked out of the room and slammed the door.

"Told you she doesn't like me." I said, staring at the wall in front of me.

Lauren laid back down and pulled me close again to leave kisses up and down my neck. And with each kiss, she spoke, "It's. Not. That." While her hand met my hip and she rubbed circles into my flesh she continued, "She's just upset that I want to rest with my girlfriend. It'll pass."

"In all of the years that I've known you, this attitude has never passed."

Lauren reached over to grip my other hip to turn me to look at her. When her bright green eyes met mine, I felt a sense of security. A small smile formed on her face which reassured me it would be okay. How does that happen? One little thing with her can make the difference and this is what I love about her.

She didn't have to say anything. I just knew what she was thinking. Her lips met mine and my eyes closed as I just let it all happen. Her lips were the things I needed to feel to know it'd be okay. Those lips could calm me down.

Her leg went over mine so that she could press her pelvic to mine and get me as close as possible.

She pulled away for a moment to catch her breath, and in that moment she said, "We will be okay."



currently preparing a come back. I fucking swear. It will be like the old days so so so so so so soon. do not give up on me -agf

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