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"Dinner's ready!" Sinu exclaimed to the bunches of rowdy Latinos that were shuffling in and out of the house in a mess.

The doorbell rang and Camila grabbed my hand to yell out, "I got it."

She fiercely pulled me down a huge hallway of the house until we were at the front door.

I pushed my hair to one side of my head as Camila opened the front door, revealing a moderately happy Lauren who was dressed in the best 'boyfriend' clothes I could ever ask for. A leather jacket, a rock t-shirt, and some skinny jeans that would make my eyes burn out of my sockets if I stared too long at a specific part on her body.

Camila welcomed Lauren in with a quick peck and a smile, "You're looking better."

"Thanks. You both are looking just as beautiful as you were when I was high." Lauren smiled back to her before walking over to place a peck on my lips.

Camila grabbed both mine and Lauren's hand and yanked us both into the kitchen with a few words of advice, "Just be cool and play dumb. Don't answer any questions until I give you 'the nod' and then this night will turn out perfect."

"You make it sound like we're about to hold up a casino." I joked, letting her drag me outside to the backyard where a line for food was already formed.

"Yeah, Camila." Lauren responded as we finally stopped at the end to wait for our turn. "Y/N and I know your family. None of this is new to us."

Camila gave me a sad glimpse as if to mentally tell me 'please keep quiet'.

I knew it was the wrong thing to do from the start and I know that whatever comes out of this will not at all be good. Let's go through the scenarios. Shall we?

Scenario #1:
Camila's parents could be accepting about Lauren and I, and all that bullshit, but Lauren will end up punching me in the face.

Scenario #2:
Camila's parents will punch me in the face but Lauren could be really understanding and protective.

Scenario #3:
Both Lauren and Camila's parents could punch me in the face which would leave two black eyes and a bloody nose from Sinu.

All of the scenarios in my head are honestly the worst things that could ever happen and I like to call them my 'never-gonna-happen' futures.

Ever since the accident a couple of months ago, and since regaining my mental abilities, I have much more of a talent when thinking. Brave with me for a moment as I explain. I have these sort of momentary visions that are extremely short but they're so realistic that they cause me to believe that I could tell the future when in reality, I'm just in touch with my imagination and day dreaming abilities. But 'never-futures' sound a lot more bad ass.

"Is that Sofi?" Lauren pointed towards a girl playing with a few other kids in the grass. "Damn. She's growing up fast."

"Yeah." Camila sighed out. "Plus she's a lot cooler than I was when I was her age. So, I'm happy for that."

"You weren't a loser when you were a kid." I scoffed, noticing that we were finally at the table and able to grab what we wanted to eat.

Camila spooned some rice onto her plate and responded, "Yes I was. Didn't I ever tell you about how kids would legit try to trip me but I would fall on my own?"

"Camz, I think you're just clumsy." Lauren responded, picking up a plate.

"I'm serious." Camila continued. "I was an all out dork-fest and I'm really thankful that Sofia is having a good childhood."

Reflection: The SequelWhere stories live. Discover now