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"Y/N!" I heard someone yell down the hall.

I rolled my eyes and put down my pen once again. I was trying to finish the last chapter of my new story but every time I sit down another person calls me.

"Y/N!" The voice got louder and I finally saw Camila standing in the doorway with her laptop in her hand. "I just got this email that something you published online got 5,000 views."

I nodded to allow her in and she stepped over to the desk quickly. She opened the page to an email that said,

"Dear Y/N,

I have seen some of the work on your website. The little stories, the amazing drabbles. You're very talented. In fact, I formally wanted to write this letter to tell you that I'd love to talk about publishing some of your work. I can see you featured in Forbes and Rollingstone with your top notch articles and then publishing books on the side. I hear you're residing in Los Angeles and I'm supposed to be coming around there for a book fair in a month. I would love to have you join me and we could talk over something.

Until then,

The Dillion's Publishing Group."

My mouth dropped. A publishing group saw something I wrote? This is incredible.

"I can't believe it." I gasped quietly to myself. Then I stopped to realize what computer she had. It was mine. "Wait, Camila." I stopped her and she quickly turned her head towards me. "Is this Lauren's computer?"

She looked shocked that I brought it up and nodded, "Oh, um, yeah. Mine was dead so I decided to use hers since it was on the charger."

I shook my head and closed out of the window, "You know I don't mind you two going through my email's because it's mostly spam, but you know how Lauren feels about us being on her computer."

"So, you think I should put it back?" Camila asked me innocently, and I could tell she felt bad about using what wasn't hers.

I mean, usually it wasn't a big deal to get on each other's electronic devices but lately Lauren's been on edge about 'not having enough privacy'. But what can you expect when you're in a relationship with two girls, then in a group with another three girls.

"Yeah, I think you should. If you want, you can come back in here and use mine." I offered which made her smile widely.

Camz leaned in to peck my lips, "Kay, I'll be right back."

When she got up on her feet with the laptop under her arm, Lauren walked into the room in a rush. "Baby girl, have you seen my black sweatshirt?" Camila hurried to hide the laptop behind her back in the fear that Lauren would catch her. Lauren gave Camila a weird look as her eyebrows furrowed towards the smaller Cuban. "What's wrong with you, Camz?"

Camila tried to get her wide eyes to relax as her shoulders stopped tensing, "Oh, nothing. You just caught me off guard, that's all. I thought you were working out with Normani."

"Oh, well. Normani and I have decided to go out to the movies, but I need my sweat shirt before I can go out. That way no one notices us, ya know?" She smiled, taking a seat beside me on the table top of my desk. Her long, bare legs crossed in front of me as she sent me a sensual smirk, "So, babe. Do you know where it is? I mean, you had it last."

I nodded off Camila to hurry out of the room before getting up to walk over to my bean bag where the TV was set up. The plain black sweatshirt laid out on the bean bag next to a pair of boots that were also Lauren's. I hurried back over to hand her the sweatshirt, but she grabbed my hand to keep me up on my feet to be face to face with her. It was a different set of pace than usual because lately she's been trying to avoid both Camila and I.

Her hand rested on my cheek to signal me to move in closer. "Kiss me." She said softly in that raspy voice that could make my ear drums start to melt from the lovely sound leaving her throat. I couldn't resist giving into her every whim and starting with her top lip, then moving down to the bottom one ever so slowly and softly. I inched my fave away to look into her gorgeous green eyes. "Is that all I get?" She whispered at a low register which made her voice crack slightly.

"LAUREN! ARE YOU COMING OR NOT?!?!" Normani yelled from what I'm guessing was the staircase.

"I guess that is all you get." I told her with a straight face, trying to keep a mysterious facáde.

She rolled her eyes and hopped off of the desk, "Lemme get some jeans on, Mans!" She yelled back, slipping the hoodie on over her head.

"Oh-kay! Hurry!" Normani screamed.


That made Lauren and I giggle quietly to each other. Before turning on her heel, she pecked my cheek and leaned in next to my ear, "I'll see you later."


Around eleven, I got a text from Lauren.

Lern: don't wait up. mani wants to go get food since we haven't got caught up by fans or anything yet. sorry for the late notice.

Y/N: don't worry about it. I was just about to scoop up Camz and go to sleep. night Lo.

I threw my phone on my futon because I didn't really want to bother with charging it tonight. I mean, it's not like I use it for anything besides texting Camila and Lauren.

I pulled my shirt off over my head and started walking towards my bedroom. Z the door was cracked so I pushed it open and passed the bathroom and closer to see Camila on a laptop, laying on her belly as she scrolled with the mousepad.

I stood at the end of the bed and threw my shirt in a corner of the room, feeling too lazy to find the laundry basket.

Once I was close enough, I could see Camila's puffy red eyes which instantly worried me, "Babe, what's wrong?"

She sniffled, using her slim index finger to wipe under the waterline, "It's nothing."

I crawled from the end of the bed towards her to be in view of the computer, "Babe, what are you looking at?" The screen was opened to a group of iMessages, and when I recognized the typing style I knew it was Lauren's computer again. A little bit of anger fueled inside of me only because I knew what Lauren would do if she found out Camila was snooping through her shit. "Camz, I told you to leave her computer alone."


"'But' nothing! It's like you want her to hit us now. You know that's what is gonna happen when she finds out you're looking at her messages." I told her, slipping my pants off before crawling into bed underneath the covers.

"Can you just let me talk?!" She pleaded, looking back at me as I got comfortable on my pillow. I rolled my eyes and nodded, simply giving her the authority to explain. Camila took a deep breath before starting to explain, "Well, whenever I brought her laptop back in here, it started dinging. So, I thought one peek wouldn't hurt. A-And when I opened it, I found these messages." She breathed in hardly, trying to contain her emotions so her voice wouldn't shake so hard. Camila turned the computer towards me as I sat up against the headboard, "Babe, I think she's cheating on us."



what should I update next? 😈

- agf

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