Chapter 13

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Athena Follows Moriarty and Misses Her Court Date

Sherlock, John, and Athena were on their way to court, walking to the courthouse that day because it was nice outside and the group was feeling particularly confident. Sherlock was leading them with long strides every step. Followed by John who was just barely keeping up.

But Athena lagged behind, speculating the bystanders to calm her nerves. "Drunk. Cheater. Just married. Tourist," she ticked off, eyes flickering from person to person. That was what calmed her the most, reading people. So she continued to gaze around at everyone that passed.

Then, in a moment of chance and excellence, she saw something. A man with blood on his sleeve, dried. He probably didn't even know it was there. And most importantly, it was the man from the tourist shoppe.

Who also happened to be Moriarty.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" she muttered. "Why didn't I make the connection?"

Quietly, she felt her coat pocket for her trusty nail file (that Sherlock forgot to confiscate after she snuck out) and slipped away from her guardians unnoticed.

Keeping an eye on Moriarty as she walked, she pulled the hood of her coat over her head. Didn't want to be recognized right away.

They walked for a good ten minutes before he suddenly stopped. And so Athena did too. Moriarty picked up his phone and began to talk into it quietly.

She quickly turned to face another direction, using her peripherals to see what he was doing. He seemed quite angry: the tightness in his muscles and jaw proved that, plus his eyes burned with rage.

It doesn't seem to be the best time to be following him, she thought. But then again, it's never really ideal to follow him, either.

After another ten seconds, he hung up and smoothly out his phone back into his pocket. As Moriarty ran a hand through his hair, he began to walk again, taking a sharp left.

Soon, Athena's pace matched his step for step. She was doing fine, making herself discreet whenever necessary and swiftly ducking behind people and other things whenever he turned suspiciously.

In her eyes, she was an expert.

"Athena?" She heard someone say as she ducked behind a car.


"What are you doing? You're supposed to be in court!"

She frowned to herself. "Following a bad guy. Now shut up and follow my lead." She dragged him behind her, smiling to herself. "Pretend to be my boyfriend," she hissed.

They held hands and walked behind Moriarty for a good ten minutes before Athena noticed he was trying to get a glance over his shoulder.

She stopped suddenly when he did, turned to Riley, and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

He made a muffled sound of surprise, but Athena ignored him and kissed him some more- he did, however, kiss back almost immediately. It took Riley a moment to realize why she was doing what she was doing, but soon he caught on and pulled away when Moriarty began to walk again.

His cheeks were bright pink, smiling to himself; but Athena was normal as always, determined to find something out about Moriarty.

"Sh, he's stopping in front of a building."

The duo watched as Moriarty opened the door and briskly stepped inside. A moment after, they rushed inside also, closing the door quietly behind them.

"Lock it, boys," an all too familiar baritone voice said, turning to face them.

Athena heard the sound of a deadbolt from the door and felt in her pocket for her nail file.

"Don't think you were being clever. I've known about the two of you since you found each other," he hummed.

Riley gripped Athena's hand for support, but she pulled it away, locking eyes with him for a moment.

"Tut, tut, tut," he smirked. "Don't tell me you're going to try to escape now. The fun is just about to begin."

He let out a manic laugh that filled the whole room eerily. Riley flinched while Athena stood taller.

Externally, she was as calm as could be. Internally, she was freaking out. How would she get out of this? Why did she think this was a good idea? Now Riley is in danger!

Breathing in through her nose, she smile. Play your game.

That's it! A game.

"James- it is alright if I call you that, yes? Good.- you said we were going to have some fun? May I suggest something?"

He stood taller, interest blazing in his demeanor. "I doubt you and I are thinking of the same kind of fun."

Her eyes twinkled. She could feel the stares of Moriarty, Riley, and Moriarty's henchmen on her as she smirked. "Let's play a game."

"What kind of game?" he frowned.

She took a step away from Riley. "An intellectual game. If I win, you let Riley and I go. If I lose, you still let Riley go, but you can do whatever you want with me. Any intellectual game of your choosing. Do we have a deal?"

Moriarty grinned in that sinister way of his, reaching out and stroking the young girl's hair. "I believe we do, my pet."

She laughed humorlessly, taking a long breath after. "The game is on, then."

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